Monday, May 27, 2019

How to Spell Corruption: — Eazy Peazy Donald J. Trump and His Recent Contract Interference

Fake promises, daily hoax, opposite results

Two related stories vis-à-vis Trump and his “wall” endeavor:

First story:

Barcelona, Spain — In what might be seen as a Memorial Day gift to President Trump, residents of a mountain range outside of El Paso today woke up to a new vista — a mile-long wall of metal slats constructed along the border with Mexico that just shot up over the weekend. 

The secret project, which started on Friday evening and was completed by Monday morning, was the work of “We Build the Wall,” a new group whose director is the former White House strategist Steve Bannon.

The CEO is Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage, who had raised $20 million to build the wall through his “GoFundMe” project, but it appeared to be floundering until Bannon took the helm.

Bannon, who for much of the weekend was in Kazakhstan for a geopolitical seminar, says the project, overseen by construction mogul Tommy Fisher of North Dakota-based Fisher Industries, involved hundreds of workers and cost $6 million.

He says his group asked local authorities what is the most dangerous part of the border with Mexico, and they were pointed to this precarious mountain strip, “where the cartels and asylum seekers are coming in” through a gap between two 21-mile strips of completed wall.

The group hastily “purchased the rights” to the land and went at it Friday evening. “We had to catch them by surprise,” says Bannon, who predicts residents are “gonna freak out” when they see what was erected over the past two days.

The second story:

Related to that Bannon story above and offers more about Fisher Industries:

These are other stories covering Trump putting (corrupt) pressure on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) contracting officials to get Tommy  Fisher’s company a wall contract seen here, here, and here.

Fisher Industries is a firm based in Tempe, AZ was contracted to build concrete border wall prototypes.

This company has a legal history marked by a constellation of environmental and workplace violations: (1) failure to control dust pollution resulting in health concerns for workers, (2) retaliation against the sexual harassment claims of female employees, and (3) their presidents’ ongoing habit of writing off personal expenses as business expenses (for which one executive was sent to prison for 37 months by the IRS; another got off scot free).

Their eponymous former owner David Fisher was locked away for five years in a 2005 child pornography case.

My 2 cents: “Art of the Con” with a new adjective to describe Trump's latest stunt: “Art of the Corrupt Con.”

Another black mark against Trump – as if many of us didn’t already know his “Art of the Con” moves. More to come I am 100% certain.

Thanks for stopping by.

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