Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Trump Sues Banks That Loaned Him Millions: He Wants to Stop Their Legal Oversight of Him

Trump’s loyal base (big banks): He owes them lots of money
(Deutsche Bank perhaps his biggest)

My hunch in his case based on the following big story vis-à-vis Trump and Deutsche bank. He most likely offered D.B. money (on top of loans he had pending with them) basically to cover for him for his “Money laundering schemes at D.B.” (One site report here Trump and Kushner).

Ref Story: According to a report from the New York Times, Deutsche’s in-house investigators also had concerns about potential illegal activity: In 2016 and 2017, the bank’s anti-money-laundering specialists recommended that several transactions involving entities owned by Donald Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner be reported to the wing of the Treasury Department that oversees financial crimes.

Deutsche compliance staff reportedly prepared “suspicious-activity reports” on Trump-Kushner transactions — including at least one from the now-defunct Trump Foundation and to send the reports to the U.S. Treasury Department. 

The details of the transactions are not clear, but some of them reportedly involve money moving between international accounts, which the bank found suspicious. 

Yet Deutsche brass, which has loaned Trump and his son-in-law billions of dollars for real-estate purchases — including the $175 million that Trump still owes the bank — did not report the flagged information.

A former anti-money-laundering specialist for Deutsche, Tammy McFadden, told the Times that the decision not to contact the Treasury stemmed from the bank’s loose interpretation of money-laundering laws and a willingness to protect high rollers, she added:It’s the D.B. way. They are prone to discounting everything.”

Related and a typical Trump legal stunt: Sue those overseeing his involvement with them re: Bank loans he owes them, ironic, isn’t it: stop them from reporting his possible money laundering con game.

My 2 cents: This is SOP and routine for Trump for his whole adult life.
In short Trump has never been convicted for any money-related crimes – he has been sued a lot for cheating people, but not for illegal money deals this big.

This case might be Trump Inc.’s “Waterloo.” We shall see.

Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by.

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