Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Former Trump Staffer George Papadopoulos: Called "Coffee Boy But Not Much Else"

George "Easy on the Sugar, No Cream" Papadopoulos at Trump Meeting
(March 2016)

Papadopoulos the Man About Town
Pleaded guilty to lying to FBI re: his contacts with Russians 
(Some say he wore a wire for Mueller)

Now entire Trump Team says: George who never heard of him
(Hot item for 2020 campaign)

How the Trumpettes work against their own — new year new news:

Michael Caputo (*yeah, his guydownplays the guilty plea from former Trump foreign policy staffer George Papadopoulos, saying that he had “never even heard of him.”

Caputo went on to say that Papadopoulos was a low ranking member of the campaign – merely a “coffee boy” more or less (ouch):

MICHAEL CAPUTO precisely said: “I read about it in the newspaper like everyone else did. In fact, I never heard of Papadopoulos. He never showed up at Trump Tower, never had any interactions with any of the campaign leaders around me. The leaders of the Washington office of the campaign didn't even know who he was until his name appeared in the press. He was the coffee boy. You might have called him a foreign policy analyst, but in fact, if he was going to wear a wire, all we would know now is whether he preferred a caramel macchiato or a regular American coffee, in conversations with his barrister friend.”

How about a Rick Perry oops about now, Mr. Caputo?

Noteworthy: Rumor has it that George Papadopoulos’ neck tie operates in the 30 to 300 Megahertz (MHz) range with a corresponding wavelength of 10 to 1 meters that is best for the Mueller team tracking signal.

Oh, BTW: Ivanka Trump-Kushner clothing line will market the t-shirt seen above for Daddy’s 2020 reelection campaign (that is if he survives the Mueller thingy).

We understand that millions of them are on order in both Vietnam and China for mass production and delivery via Trump airlines, Inc.

So, stay tuned for on-line offers expected to follow at yuge discount prices due to large scale surplus and over ordering / lack, of sales mainly. But, that may be “Fake News” at this point.

Thanks for stopping by as usual ... 2018 will be a make or break year for the Trump cabal, bet on it,

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