Sunday, December 31, 2017

One Whopper; No, Make that a Double; Wait, Wait, Make that a Triple With Everything on It

Yes, “Photo Shopped” – The point remains
He is the “King of Whoppers” Hands Down

A keeper article for sure, re: The Whoppers of 2017 – from

Summary: Donald J. Trump, now President Donald J. Trump, even as candidate Trump was dubbed “King of Whoppers” in the annual roundup of notable false claims for 2015.

He dominated the list that year – and again in 2016 – but there was still plenty of room for others.

This year? The takeover is complete.

In his first year as president, Trump used his bully pulpit and Twitter account to fuel conspiracy theories, level unsubstantiated accusations, and issue easily debunked boasts about his accomplishments.

And a chorus of administration officials helped in spreading his falsehoods.

Trump complained — without a shred of evidence — that massive voter fraud cost him the 2016 popular vote. 

He doubled down by creating the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity and appointing a vice chairman who falsely claimed to have “proof” that Democrats stole a U.S. Senate seat in New Hampshire.

Even as he mobilized the federal government to ferret out Democratic voter fraud, Trump refused to accept the U.S. intelligence community’s consensus finding that Russia interfered in the 2016 campaign.

Trump disparaged the “so-called ‘Russian hacking’” as a “hoax” and a “phony Russian Witch Hunt,” and compared the conduct of U.S. intelligence agencies to “Nazi Germany.”

He then falsely accused the “dishonest” news media of making it “sound like I had a feud with the intelligence community.”

When he spoke of himself, Trump’s boastfulness went far beyond the facts. 

He claimed that his inaugural crowd “went all the way back to the Washington Monument,” and sent out his press secretary to declare it the “largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe.”

He described his tax plan as the “biggest tax cut in the history of our country.” 

He took credit for making the U.S. nuclear arsenal “far stronger and more powerful than ever” after seven months on the job. 

None of that was true.

Trump is clearly an outlier. 

If he and his aides were removed from our list, we would be left with a dozen or more notable falsehoods roughly equally distributed between the two parties. You’ll find those at the end of this very long list.

Excuse the length. But consider this: It could be even longer.

Continue at the link above.

Thanks for stopping by.


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