Thursday, January 4, 2018

"Art of the Con and Blackmail: Trump OK DACA Relief for Wall and Merit-Based Immigration

Sen. Cotton (R-AR) (L), Trump, and Sen Purdue (R-GA)
(Pushing for Merit-Based Immigration Policy)

Trump and Melania Knauss (in 2004) 
(Two years before they married)

Trump is pushing agenda for merit-based immigration policy as a trade off for DACA relief and his damn wall.

Definition of Merit-based Immigration: It would reward points based on high-paying job offers, past achievements, English-language ability, and education. All that would be taken into account when green card applications are considered. 

It gives points for different characteristics, which are age, the salary you able to command, and how much money you are going to invest in the U.S. economy.  The higher the score, the more likely an immigrant would be admitted to the United States. For example, if you get a Nobel Prize, you automatically get 25 points, and you need 30 points to be eligible to apply.

Now how about this, um?

Trump’s “merit-based” immigration bill could (again) prompt renewed scrutiny into the first lady’s immigration history. Why? If such a system had been in place when Melania Knauss-Trump first moved to the United States in 1996, she wouldn’t have stood a chance of being able to stay, start a career as a fashion model, and to have met Trump.

Background: Her immigration history first faced scrutiny when nude photos taken of her when she first came here were published in the New York Post. Questions arose over whether the photos were taken while she was here on a tourist visa (yet working as a model – which is illegal).

Subsequent reporting showed that she came to the United States on a tourist visa in August 1996. A few months later, she obtained an H-1B visa for “skilled workers” (re: The Associated Press). There were questions about whether she did some modeling work before getting her H-1B visa as well as how she obtained a green card in 2001 — due to her “extraordinary ability as a model.” 

All that was before she married Trump in 2006 and become and became a citizen (re: report)

GOPers and anti-immigrants say a merit-based system would help lower immigration rates and ensure that the immigrants who do come are highly skilled and less likely to need public assistance, which I says is utter bullshit.

For decades, the United States was operated and has operated a very low-skill immigration system, issuing record numbers of green cards to low-wage immigrants. The new bill (sponsored by GOP Sens. David Perdue and Tom Cotton) would cut legal immigration from 1 million to 500,000 each year, in part, by moving to a merit-based system.

Trump: “The current family-based policy has placed substantial pressure on American workers, taxpayers, and community resources.”

(I note: Except for his ancestors the Drumpf family from Germany who spoke no English and few job skills.

Stephen Miller’s grandparents only spoke Yiddish.

CNN’s Jim Acosta who pinned down Miller on the issue, well his ancestors came from Cuba.

Merit-based immigration that Trump wants would have stopped his grandfather, Frederick Drumpf (the family name changed to Trumpf and then later Trump) spoke no English and had no skills per se and came here at age 16 – later became a barber.

Mitch McConnell's wife Elaine Chao came from Taiwan when she was 8 years old. Pence's relatives came from Ireland and no special skills.

Critics say the American economy also needs low-skilled workers, and a merit-based system would hurt industries that rely on them, and they see the merit-based system as un-American and goes against the basic fundamental respect for family, our religious faiths, and of who we are as Americans.

Plus, a merit-based system would also cost the government more because the government would have to review the applications and pay resettlement costs that are currently covered by sponsoring families.

Specific Pro and Con of Merit-Based System:
Proponents of merit-based immigration say the current system lowers wages and discourages assimilation.

A merit-based system would help lower immigration rates and ensure that the immigrants who do come are highly skilled and less likely to need public assistance.

For decades, the United States was operated and has operated a very low-skill immigration system, issuing record numbers of green cards to low-wage immigrants,” Trump said in August when announcing his support for the
RAISE (Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy) Act.

The bill aims to cut legal immigration from 1 million to 500,000 each year, in part, by moving to a merit-based system.

This (family-based) policy has placed substantial pressure on American workers, taxpayers and community resources,” Trump added.

(I Note: Utter BS and Trump knows it, too,)

Critics say the American economy also needs low-skilled workers, and a merit-based system would hurt industries that rely on them.

A merit-based system would also cost the government more because the government would have to review the applications and pay resettlement costs that are currently covered by sponsoring families.

Critics also see the merit-based system as un-American.

This proposal abandons the fundamental respect for the family which is at the heart of our faith, at the heart of who we are as Americans –

My notes: Whatever it’s worth the Trump proposal stinks on so many levels it’s hard to list them all. 

Now Trump wants to use this idea as a form of blackmail, along with demanding his wall to effectively deal for DACA relief – non-citizens who were brought here as children and had no say-so some are adults now and only know America and English as their language and home. 

As I stated above, Trump’s ancestors (the original Drumpf family before they changed their name) could only speak German and had no skills. 

Same for most other immigrants probably well over 90 percent I suspect – since unless you are a Native American, your ancestors just like mine were immigrants and further I suspect most of them had few if any of skills that Trump now demands new immigrants must possess in order to come here. 

On this issue, Trump is a racist and a man who has no honor – not one drop. 

Hopefully sound minds will not approve this insane idea into any policy. 

That is not the American way. 

Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by.

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