Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Trump Women Accusers Coming Out (Again): The Heat Is On — He and Others Deny It (Again)

Sanders Defending the Indefensible Again - Now Rather Routine

U.S. UN Ambassador Nikki Haley statement on allegations of sexual assault from Trump accusers, and “The Donald” is pissed – so I surmise: Bye, bye Nikki – it’s been nice to know you.

So, now hit the road.

A few details here from The Hill:

President Trump is reportedly furious with U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley for saying that the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct “should be heard.” (Related story here).

The AP reported Monday that Haley’s comments angered Trump as the claims against him have resurfaced in recent weeks.

“They should be heard, and they should be dealt with,” Haley said on “Face the Nation” on Sunday. Then she added: “And I think we heard from them before the election. And I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way, they have every right to speak up.”

Note: Two people familiar with Trump told the AP he was enraged by her remarks.
Trump also has reportedly grown most frustrated with the claims in recent weeks, comparing the situation to that of Roy Moore in the Alabama special election for a Senate seat. Moore as we all know has been accused of committing multiple sexual transgressions with teenage girls when he was in his 30’s.

Now, three of Trump’s more than a dozen accusers appear to be united for the first time now sharing details of the allegations they have made against him during his campaign and before he was elected president (Note: this is very excuse his loyalists are sticking to – the line that “the voters knew this before the election and he still won” yeah, that attitude). However, these women are now demanding that Congress launch an investigation into their claims following all the national outrage and other stories all over the news recently.

The White House in turn form has said that the women are lying. Trump has also dismissed their claims as “fake news.”

Leading that W/H pack is of course W/H Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders who always sticks with the Trump line and one note story: He has denied all those allegations and the voters knew before hand and trusted him, not the accusers.

Huckabee-Sanders comments and story here from PBS - her remarks below seen on YouTube: 

Huckabee-Sanders on the attack - at the media (as usual)

This story also broke and it is directly related: “More than 50 female lawmakers seek probe of Trump misconduct accusations”

My input:

All this right now sounds just like Roy Moore and his mess and now with Trump himself saying about Moore (recently to the press outside the White House): “He has denied it – he denies it.” End of his story” etc., etc., yada, yada, and so forth.

So, it is over – or just beginning? We shall see – but don’t expect much.

Thanks for stopping by.

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