Saturday, December 9, 2017

Trump Declares Jerusalem Israel’s Capital and Pours Gas on Deadly Fire

Put the Capital Where I say, Bibi: Jared Has Backdoor Funding in Place
(We got you covered - no sweat)

The Family-in-Charge: Trump Empire, Inc. 
(In it for the money – Smugness R Middle Name)

United Nations Security Council (UNSC)

Update on the following post about Trump’s unilateral decision to “make Jerusalem the Capital of Israel” by moving the U.S. Embassy there.

Yes, it is true that nations around the globe word hard to establish relations with other nations. They do so when they recognize that nation and establish either an Embassy or Consulate in that nations’ capital under most normal conditions.

But the way Trump has done by declaring and recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is way over the edge. How pitifully arrogant of him to presume that Israel and Palestine can’t make that determination themselves under the two-state or one-state solution – wherein the world wants and the U.S. wants a two-state solution.

But no, Mr. Know-it-All “The Donald” wants to stir the pot and make that decision himself under his own view of “American First” policy – but of course any president should always be for America first, but not this unilateral way for the world to bow to his whims like in this case.

Cite the turmoil along the East and West Bank and this at the UN (reported on by The AP in this article from the Washington Post)

UNITED NATIONS — One by one, 14 members of the U.N. Security Council (currently a total of 15 seats: 5 permanent members and 10 rotating non-permanent members) spoke out against President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel at an emergency meeting on Friday (December 7), some with regret and some with anger at the 15th member, the United States.

It wasn’t the first time that the U.S. stood alone in defending its close ally, Israel, in the U.N.’s most powerful body. Over decades, it has vetoed many council resolutions it viewed as harmful to Israel.

But this was a rare rebuke for an action the United States took that in the eyes of the rest of the council and most of the world clearly violates U.N. resolutions and decisions that Jerusalem is an issue to be resolved by Israel and the Palestinians in peace negotiations on a two-state solution.

The Trump administration has been working on a new Mideast peace proposal and U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley told the council that the U.S. is more committed to peace “than we’ve ever been before — and we believe we might be closer to that goal than ever before.”


Traditional U.S. including Britain, France, Sweden, Italy and Japan, criticized Trump’s decision, all insisting that Jerusalem’s status must remain unresolved until final Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

In a joint statement, ambassadors from France, Italy, Germany, Sweden and Britain disagreed with Trump’s decision, saying “it is not in line with Security Council resolutions and is unhelpful in terms of prospects for peace in the region.”

My View from Day-One on this Decision that Trump Made for that Region:

Just to be clear, Donald J. Trump is the president of the United States and a world leader among other world leaders; he is not King Donald in charge of the planet making decisions that this clearly shows is his intent: constant center of attention and no one else matters except him.

That display by Trump and all that has followed (to prop him up and keep him content) reminded me of this:

Not one iota of difference between these two scenes that I can see

All this that we have seen and continue to see under Trump is not healthy for the U.S. nor world. Clearly this is not how the U.S. has in the past nor in the future should lead on world issues.

The B/L: Israel and Palestine must decide their own fate and the U.N. should be an honest and equal opportunity partner in the process – not this one-man/one-decider TV reality show for Trump's sake. 

Things are apt to get far worse before it gets better so stay tuned.  Thanks for stopping by.


The Original Post Starts Here: It all ties in to this very troubling story from here (ProPublica):

As Jared Kushner leads the U.S. government’s effort to develop an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, the Kushner Companies Charitable Foundation is funding a hardline Israeli settlement in the West Bank.

The charitable fund made a donation of at least $18,000 at the “Master Builders” level to American Friends of Bet El Yeshiva Center, according to a donor book distributed at the group’s annual gala Sunday evening.

The Kushner family has given money in past years to the group, which funds construction of the Bet El settlement outside the Palestinian city Ramallah, as Haaretz first reported

But this appears to be the first time they’ve done so while Kushner, whose title is senior adviser to the president, is the lead administration official brokering a peace plan. 

Advocates of a two-state solution said the donation was troubling given Kushner’s role.

The donation to Bet El came from a charitable fund “solely controlled” by Charles Kushner, Jared’s father, according to Kushner Companies spokeswoman Chris Taylor. 

Kushner’s White House spokesman declined to comment.

“Under normal circumstances you would expect someone who has a background of activism related to Israel to be working very hard to take a step back from that to show that he can be a credible mediator. Not only is that not the case, it’s the opposite,” said Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace.


Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which eat away at any future Palestinian state, are one of the main obstacles to a two-state solution.

Bet El, which was built on private Palestinian land seized by the Israeli military in the 1970s, is considered one of the most politically radical settlements.

President Donald Trump has changed U.S. policy by saying he does not believe a two-state solution is a necessary part of a peace deal. In a move expected to exacerbate tensions, Trump has now announced and declared Jerusalem to be Israel’s capital by moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to there.

Related Stories Across the Wires:


My 2 Cents: So, this is how Trump Empire, Inc. operates foreign policy – pour gas on fires hoping to put them out while blaming others and using backdoor money like Kushner as part of deal making.

Folks, this is very troubling – not a first by a long shot, but for this family now in power – very troubling … seems to always be in their best financial interest to move policy their direction … not what is best for the country or region of the policy.

Stay tuned … the Trump announcement is already causing a shit storm for a host of reasons cited above - more to come for sure, sadly.

So, now Trump gets to nations where to have their capitals? Neat, um.

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