Thursday, December 14, 2017

Друг другу (Friend to Friend) Russian Scandal: Putin Lies and Trump Believes Him

Putin before G-20 Handshake: “Should I or not”

Wow talk about seeing is believing 
(clip from “House of Cards” segment)

The famous G-20 "Grip and Grin" Photo Op  
(Who shakes hands like that. Apparently Trump does)

Astonishing amazing and continuance of a still shocking story here from the Daily Beast and Washington Post (both links here).

Introduction from the article as the starting point:

Holding impromptu interventions in Trump’s 26th-floor corner office at Trump Tower, advisers — including Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and then designated chief of staff, Reince Priebus prodded the president-elect to accept the findings that the nation’s spy chiefs had personally presented to him on January 6, 2017.

(I Note: That date was a mere 2 weeks before Trump was sworn into office and now here we are today in the proverbial sh*t sandwich over that same question).

They (those around Trump) sought to convince Trump that he could affirm the validity of the intelligence without diminishing his electoral win, according to three officials involved in the sessions. 

More important, they said that doing so was the only way to put the matter behind him politically and free him to pursue his goal of closer ties with Russian President Vladi­mir Putin.

“This was part of the normalization process,” one participant said. “There was a big effort to get him to be a standard president.”

But as aides persisted, Trump became agitated. He railed that the intelligence couldn’t be trusted and scoffed at the suggestion that his candidacy had been propelled by forces other than his own strategy, message, and charisma.

Now watch this 12 minute video of all that here as a reminder:

My input: After all this time and now watching that video – Trump in his own words, one has to think: “Who is this is man our president still ignoring the truth about Russia? But more importantly, why does he ignore the facts and truth?”

The G-20 handshake didn’t solve anything – it merely shows two partners?

We all hope that Mr. Mueller presents a compelling case for the removal of Trump from office – since I believe the events and Trump’s own words and actions present a compelling case for removal and the evidence from Mueller, I believe, will cement the process.

Trump in a word is: A clear and present danger to us and indeed to the world as a whole. He has to be removed from office.

Again, this story and video are enough to rally the public I believe for the removal of this man from power.

Thanks for stopping by.

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