Monday, August 7, 2017

Voter Fraud Myth Gets “Bogus Voter Fraud Commission and Voter Suppression Guru”

Consequence or Simple Wow — New Era “Bleeding Kansas” Back in Vogue
(Trump: “He's my guy. Will prove voter fraud cost me PV”)

One of Trump's Loyal Troika

Added after the following was posted (a Rick Perry “oops” moment):

Officials in now serving in Trump’s administration (e.g., three mugshots above) and those who worked for his presidential campaign took to broadcast and cable news over the past year to spread lies and propaganda about voting, often defending Trump’s debunked claims about massive non-citizen voting and widespread voter fraud.

Before and after the election, Trump repeatedly hyped debunked theories that widespread voter fraud and massive non-citizen voting “rigged” the election against him and cost him the popular vote. 

Given the president’s affection for his staunchest cable news defenders, his “TV addiction,” and his desire for loyalty, it makes sense that those seeking to curry favor with Trump took to TV to hype lies about voting.

According to a Media Matters analysis of broadcast morning and nightly news as well as prime-time cable news, at least 11 different Trump loyalists made television appearances, often on Fox News, in which they misinformed viewers about voter fraud nearly 120 times.

See the main link for all the stories in question in this article – check them out. 

Enlightening to say the least.


From the best location for voter fraud myth tracking: The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU – this link is a good starting point, highlights:

On May 11, 2017, President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order creating the “Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.”

The Commission is charged with studying “the registration and voting processes used in Federal elections” and identifying “vulnerabilities in voting systems” that could lead to voter fraud. VP Mike Pence is the chairman, and KS Secretary of State Kris Kobach a known promoter of voting restrictions and the myth of voter fraudis the vice chairman.

They met for the first time on July 19 in Washington, DC.

Why? The Commission was created in the wake of President Trump’s repeated assertions that millions voted illegally in the 2016 election and cost him the popular vote.

For years, claims of fraud have been used to justify unwarranted voting restrictions. There is strong reason to suspect this Commission is not a legitimate attempt to study elections, but rather a tool for enabling voter suppression. 

Related story here ( with very enlightening links – follow to see why so many of us are concerned and so should very voter in America.

And my other site with voter suppression posts (here), (here), (here), and (here) (hopefully no links are broken, if so, I’m sorry in advance).

So, stay tuned… can’t wait to see KKK final report – it outta be a humdinger.

Thanks for stopping by.

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