Saturday, October 12, 2024

Championship Liar Contest: The King of Liars Above All Others Hands Down is Donald J. Trump

Also, Pants on Fire First Place World Champ

Outstanding CNN article that is long and detailed regarding more Trump lies on top of piles of lies (well over 35,000 to date) with this headline:

“Fact check: 12 election lies Trump is using to set the stage to dispute a potential 2024 defeat”

Trump has escalated his long-running assault on the integrity of our elections as the 2024 presidential campaign enters its final stretch, using a new series of lies about ballots; vote-counting; and the election process to lay the groundwork to challenge his potential defeat in November.

Non-partisan democracy experts say they’re seeing many of the same warning signs that were blinking red before Election Day four years ago when he flooded the zone with election lies and conspiracy theories that he amplified after losing to Joe Biden.

That Trump campaign of deception culminated in the attack on the National Capitol on January 6, 2021.

For example: Lindsay Daniels a senior director at the non-partisan Democracy Fund, which works to strengthen our democracy and voting, noted saying:The threats have not abated; they have only increased. We saw a lot of activity in 2020 around peddling false claims and frivolous lawsuits. We are already seeing signs now, stage-setting, that these things may be attempted again.”

My 2 Cents: The CNN article continues at the link above. 

FYI Added: MajorTrump lies in 2024 – worth your time to read and research the facts at this critical time on our political election history.

The B/L: Trump cannot accept defeat in his life and boy he has a ton of defeats. He will lie before, during, and after any defeat or loss of any judicial ruling against him. That’s who he is – he is a serial liar and constant loser. 

He must be stopped at the ballot box on November 5, 2024. 

Thanks for stopping by

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