Friday, September 9, 2022

The Right to Vote: In a Free, Fair, Safe, and Secure Election & See Our Vote Actually Count

Twelve states now more expected 
(For political power not voting rights)

A great move by Michigan for a ballot issue so that the people can approve or not a logical, rational, reasonable, and sure-fire good reason to make sure that voting rights are free, fair, safe, secure, and relatively and equally easy for everyone to vote. 

The GOP as usual is opposed (no surprise about that). 

This report from the AP with this headline:

“Michigan board approves ballot measure on voting access”

Introductory key point: So, why is the GOP always opposed to easy, free, fair, safe, and secure elections like this MI which seeks?

– oh yeah, it’s not a guarantee that they will never lose again like they did in 2020 at least according to Trump and his “Big Lie” which still lingers over us and that which Trump can’t let go of.

LANSING, MI (AP) — A Michigan election board has now voted to put a question on the November 2022 ballot about whether the state should expand opportunities to vote, including through absentee and early voting, after the state Supreme Court ordered it to do so.

The high court sided with supporters of “Promote the Vote 2022,” a coalition of organizations that submitted more than enough signatures to meet the 425,000-signature requirement to be certified thus putting the proposed constitutional amendment before voters.

The measure would: (1) require State-funded absentee ballot drop boxes, (2) require State-funded postage for absentee ballots and applications, (3) allow voters to join a permanent list to have absentee ballots sent for every election, (4) allow MI voters to verify their identity with a signed statement or a photo ID, and (5) require nine days of in-person early voting, thus as “Promote the Vote 2022” says help to ensure that every state voter’s voice is heard.

As expected, Republicans oppose those measures, saying they would open the door to fraud. 

The Republican members and other opponents said some of the language on the petitions was unclear, and MI state GOP spokesman Gus Portela called itA dangerous proposition.”

Promote the Vote” argues the opponents' arguments against it as “frivolous.”

Not only in MI, but elsewhere the GOP has pushed stricter rules around voting to seemly make it harder, not easier to vote following the 2020 election that Trump also falsely claims was “rigged” against him and that over 60 courts disagreed with him.

And, FYI: Joe Biden beat Trump in MI by 154,178 votes.

The court ordered the state elections board to certify the measure for the November 8 ballot (the local board had voted party lines: 2 DEMS voted yes; 2 GOP voted no), but then all voted “yes” after the high court’s ruling.

My 2 Cents: I have always said and advocated as the #1 issue in America and that is for us to maintain our right to vote in an election that is easy, free, fair, safe, and secure elections.

Also laws and policy for providing easy access to all qualified voters and just as easy for those with handicaps and other hardships. 

The 2020 pandemic hardship proved that we can accomplish that w/o any significant fraud or cheating. 

Without the right to vote as I said, then nothing else matters in government except for only partisan side, one voice that cuts the people out would prevail and that must not be allowed otherwise we no longer have or great democracy.

Our system is once again under attack by the GOP as they fill a safe path to free election with potholes and minefields to make to harder and not easier to vote. 

The GOP loves their tactics for one reason: They want a system that they control totally that we now see popping up all over the country that says for them: “We need a system to ensure that we never lose again,” – why? Because a simple fact is that they don’t have numbers to win in a fair and square election, so they resort to changing the whole system and rules to benefit them and the outcome they want - thus the underhanded methods and tactics.  

So, congrats to Michigan for this effort – the nation should pay attention if their state does not now have a good system in place like Michigan laid out above in article. It’s a very excellent standard to follow. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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