Monday, September 26, 2022

Simple Rational Question for Trump: Where are the Missing Top Secret/SCI Documents

Missing Top Secret/SCI Documents 
(What documents)

Oh those missing TS/SCI documents: Ask the FBI
(That's their mess on my floor)

Below is an excellent article as usual by Heather Digby Parton – FYI: Digby is her usual pen name seen here as well.

Her latest piece is posted in below with a very logical and rational headline (key parts follow below) vis-à-vis the now-missing classified files that Trump once held at Mar-a-Lago:

Why did he steal the documents? Maggie Haberman's book may hold the answer

Parton lays out three possibilities – I chose this one as the most-likely as she also does: Trump knows the value of hoarding sensitive, secret, or information that is personal and then wielding it timely for his own personal benefit or financial gain.

If someone’s gambling, sexual, or drinking habits are valuable, then imagine how valuable TS/SCI information is. It's very likely that Trump took classified documents he thought would be valuable as leverage against specific individuals in the future.

Some documents regarding French president Macron seem to fall into that category.

Also, Trump’s claims that Mark Meadows had  custody of the Peter Strzok-Lisa Page folder of personal texts, or Kash Patel's bragging wild talk about Trump declassifying a huge pile of documents and releasing them as a form of blackmail against the our government.

Until recently the FBI and other executive agencies had no idea what documents Trump might have and obviously couldn't be sure that he hadn't already given them to someone else.

As president, he had access to everything and he clearly also is well-known for having no sense of responsibility about national security.

Trump's weird message to AG Merrick Garland in the days after the Mar-a-Lago raid sounds even more sinister when seen in the way it reads and was certainly drafted by someone other than Trump:

President Trump wants the Attorney General to know that he has been hearing from people all over the country about the raid. If there was one word to describe their mood, it is “angry.” The heat is building up. The pressure is building up. Whatever I can do to take the heat down, to bring the pressure down, just let us know.”

We assumed he was talking about his rabid following getting violent, which certainly seemed like a possibility. But could his former and close long-time lawyer, Michael Cohen, be right in his assessment about how nefarious Trump can be?

He said that message to AG Garland sounded like a threat that he would release national security secrets if the AG and the FBI didn't back off from indicting him?  

My 2 Cents: The full SALON article is worth reading and as I said in the usual straight forward excellent style of Digby.

In my professional and past Marine Corps training and experience in handling classified documents when in fact I did read and handle a lot of TS/SCI materials (and always in a very secure SCIF (“Skiff” and never outside), I cannot not image a former president being so lax and lazy and flat out careless with such sensitive government secrets. 

It is truly mind boggling and the DOJ must hold Trump accountable to the fullest extent of the law as possible for “no one is above the law” period full stop foundation of our entire judicial system – no exceptions – none whatsoever. The worse part is that the damage may already have been inflicted from the documents - and we may never know until it's too late to act or counter any damage.

Enjoy the full story at the link here and above.

Thanks for stopping by.

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