Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC): Warns of Threats if Trump Indicted MAGA Millions Armed & Ready

Two-faced Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
(Early 2016 election cycle)

Graham with Trump and phony Rothschild
(Recently at Mar-a-Lago)

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and his story about threats in the streets if Trump is indicted for the Mar-a-Lago mess as reported on here from Huff Post with this headline got plenty of attention:

Sen. Lindsey Graham Warns of ‘Riots in Streets’ if Trump is Charged Over Classified Docs 

Graham said on FOX: “Most Republicans, including me, believe when it comes to Trump, there is no law. It's all about getting him.”

What does Graham now think about this story also from Huff Post with this headline one day before his above prediction – see any connection?

National Archives Now Targeted by Threats After Trump Attacks: Report

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has become yet another target of threats in the wake of attacks by Trump after the FBI seized government documents from his Mar-a-Lago residence (re: The Washington Post).

After Trump unleashed a torrent of invective against NARA widely viewed as “librarian-like and apolitical,” police increased patrols around the NARA building in Washington, D.C., due to a troubling spike in online chatter about the facility.

It was NARA that ultimately set in motion the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago when it alerted the DOJ last year about concerns that Trump had not turned over all White House documents to the agency at the end of his term as the Presidential Records Act (PRA) requires.

Then earlier this month (August 8), the FBI seized several boxes of material stashed at Mar-a-Lago, including classified documents, even up to and including Top Secret/SCI information.

That story was merely one day before Sen. Graham’s threat comments (his above story) – that was reported on this way: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is a staunch ally of Trump (but was not always so – see the 2016 quote from him above) ominously warned of “riots in the streets” if the former president is hit with charges for taking classified documents to his Mar-a-Lago home when he moved out of the White House.

Graham said on Fox NewsSunday Night in America hosted by former congressman Trey Gowdy also of SC): If there’s a prosecution of Trump for mishandling classified information, after the Hillary Clinton debacle … there’ll be riots in the streets.

Graham was referring to Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state — a practice reportedly BTW that was employed by both Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner to conduct official business when they were White House senior advisers in the Trump administration.

BTW: The Clinton three-year investigation into over 30,000 recovered messages sent to and from Clinton on the server concluded: “There was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information,” and no charges were filed.

However, in Trump’s case, after NARA and DOJ officials tried for several months to retrieve U.S. documents from him, the FBI with a DOJ subpoena confiscated several boxes of material stashed at Mar-a-Lago, including classified documents and even highly sensitive top-secret/SCI information. That whole affair continues.

My 2 Cents: Now here we are today – then add this NEWSWEEK story to the mix outlined above with this story:

“Millions of Angry, Armed Americans Stand Ready to Seize Power if Trump Loses in 2024”

Well, that picture is not pretty. So, what if a million heavily armed MAGA types stormed the National Capitol as well as state houses with one aim: To take over the country for Trump in 2025 and make sure that only Republicans win regardless of the actual vote count.

They would want to make sure that Trump wins in 2024 – regardless of what the actual vote count would be and not repeat 2020. Just try and imagine that. Who would stop them?

The military is my first guess (well within their oath to defend the country against all enemies foreign and domestic) would have to be overwhelming – but would it, really?

I suspect that many in uniform would not want to attack fellow citizens. Then what? Some foreign intervention shows up to try and take advantage of our plight and take over? Who knows for sure?

Related to all that is this story from former longtime attorney Michael Cohen which I am inclined to agree with this headline from NEWSWEEK:Ex-Trump Attorney Warns Trump May Have Already Given Away Sensitive Classified Information

But, if Civil War II were to erupt then bye, bye American pie. No more USA as we know it.

Just rabid GOP blame game tactics, but put on any MAGA Republicans nor on Trump. Just listen to them now. They blame Biden, the DEMS and everyone else in sight except themselves. That is straight from the GOP dirty tricks playbook chapter I: Break government and blame everyone except themselves then say “Only we can fix it, elect us.”

Sorry, guys – that dawg won’t hunt as they say. As for me, well I happen to have faith in the people and the public and not the 30% GOP stuck on Trump to stop anything like that from happening.

I hope I am wrong – what do you think? 

We need serious talk about something like even coming close to Civil War II – don’t you think?  

Thanks for stopping by.

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