Saturday, August 20, 2022

Define Insanity Easy-Peasy: The GOP Rightwing Love Affair with Guns Run Amok


Official domestic threat warning issued

Heading for war path rally point

Waiting for attack orders

In line waiting for Feds to shoot (???)

Since Trump hit the scene in the W/H and now this from his owned and operated GOP damn scary story here from RAWSTORY with the below headline.

This seems to be a growing thing these days – along with the insane “open carry” laws and now the statements calling for open season on Federal government law enforcement officers or just about anyone else in the Federal government. It’s all very troublesome to say the least:

Insane: A Florida GOP candidate facing backlash after calling on citizens to shoot federal agents on sight

A Florida Republican candidate for the U.S. House was suspended from Twitter in the final days of his campaign after advocating for Floridians to shoot federal agents on sight (*Florida Politics report).

Luis Miguel, who is running against GOP incumbent Rep. Bobby Payne, was suspended after he tweeted:Under my plan, all Floridians will be able to shoot FBI, IRS, ATF, and all other federal troops on sight. Let freedom ring.”

One FL Twitter user wrote: I'm sorry to have to post this, but this man is running for office in my area. It's real. And it's dangerous. I believe we must turn the mirror in on the lies being used to stir up people for heinous purposes. Someone is going to get killed. My heart is broken.”

Miguel said the suspension was permanent but “doesn’t affect (him) at all,” and then he doubled down on his tweet, saying:The IRS has been weaponized by dissident forces.”

Notice how he has copied that new GOP buzzword (Weaponized) since the FBI “raided” Mar-a-Lago and took 11 more boxes of materials including those marked “Secret/SCI” (the highest level of classification). 

Miguel's call for shooting federal agents is still live in Instagram.

My 2 Cents: Luis Miguel in the above story should prosecuted immediately, tried, sentenced, and jailed for his threat.

Threats of his kind are unlawful and illegal and fall in the Class D or C felony category that usually carry a maximum penalty of 5 or 10 years in prison as outlined here, as well as a few other statutes.

All in all, his words are very dangerous and encouraging the RED-GOP base or so it seems.

Nowadays with the growing and crazy “open carry laws” and also again in mostly GOP RED-run states amounts to shear and utter madness in my opinion.

FYI: Related to this topic I also post items of interest here, here, and here.

Those gun laws and the growing wild conspiracy crap that follows mostly come from the ultra-rightwing conservative white nationalist base that is a “clear and present” to our national stability and survival at least in my view.

Thanks for stopping by.






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