Monday, June 20, 2022

Timeline from November 3, 2020: Biden beat Trump Who Remains Detached from Reality

Trump is a Clear and Present Danger 
(He must never again be in the Oval Office)

Excellent historical timeline from 2020 election night until today (via The WaPost).

Trump’s “fake electors” plan will be the focal point for the next January 6 public hearing (June 21, 2022). 

To date, the case against Trump is strong and it should equate to his prosecution, trial, conviction, and a very long prison term. 

Nov. 3: Election Day 2020. Trump leads in key states on election night. But the addition of mail ballots to the totals severely threatens his lead and he in fact loses.

Nov. 4: Former Trump energy secretary Rick Perry (R-TX) texts White House chief of staff Mark Meadows with the idea that:States Trump lost that have Republican legislatures could just send their own electors to vote and have it go to the U.S. Supreme Court. AGRESSIVE STRATEGY.” [sic]

Nov. 5: Donald Trump Jr. also begins floating such ideas, citing GOP control of state legislatures and the U.S. Senate writing to Meadows: It’s very simple. We have multiple paths. We control them all.” (Trump Jr.'s attorney later said the idea likely originated from someone else and was forwarded.”)

Trump-allied conservative lawyer Cleta Mitchell writes to Eastman suggesting that he begin to look at alternate electors saying:John — what would you think of producing a legal memo outlining the constitutional role of state legislators in designating electors? A movement is stirring. But needs constitutional support.”

Nov. 6: Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) also suggests GOP state legislatures could send Trump electors despite the election results, while acknowledging that the idea ishighly controversial.” 

Meadows responded: I love itMeadows also responded to a later similar message saying: Yes. Have a team on it.

Nov. 7: Joe Biden is projected the winner.

Nov. 17: Trump calls the two GOP canvassers in Detroit’s Wayne County, MI — that he falsely flagged as having illegalvote dumps for Biden.” They first rescind the certification but, then sign off on it.

Nov. 18: Trump-allied lawyer Kenneth Chesebro sends a memo to Trump’s lead attorney in WI arguing for an alternate-elector push on December 14, (the deadline for electors writing): “It may seem odd that the electors pledged to Trump and Pence might meet and cast their votes on December 14 even if, at that juncture, the Trump-Pence ticket is behind in the vote count, and no certificate of election has been issued in favor of Trump and Pence. However, a fair reading of the federal statutes suggests that this is a reasonable course of action.”

This is one of the earliest indicators that Trump allies viewed January 6 rather than December 14 as their deadline.

Nov. 19: Trump invites high-ranking Republican state legislators from MI to the White House in an apparent effort to pressure them on the state’s election results.

Later in November: Trump and Rudy Giuliani call AZ House Speaker Russell “Rusty” Bowers (R) in an attempt to block the certification of the state’s results. Bowers declines to go along with it.

Nov. 28: By this date, Eastman has written his memo on electors. But it focuses on ones who would actually be chosen by state legislatures. 

The memo states that “the constitutional power to decide on the method for choosing electors remains exclusively with state legislatures.” A copy is sent to White House staff with the note “For POTUS” — suggesting Trump might have been clued in on the effort early on.

Nov. 30: AZ Gov. Doug Ducey (R) apparently receives a call from the White House while certifying his state’s election results. He ignores the call.

Late November-early December: The White House Counsel’s Office tells Meadows and Giuliani that the alternate elector plan is not legally sound, (Committee testimony from Meadows aide Cassidy Hutchinson).

Early in December: Trump calls PA House Speaker Bryan Cutler (R) twice to talk about overturning that state’s results. Cutler says the legislature can’t do so, according to an aide.

Dec. 5: Trump calls GA Gov. Brian Kemp (R) to pressure him to have the legislature overturn that state’s results.

Dec. 6: Meadows references Chesebro’s memo in an email to Trump campaign aide Jason Miller, saying:We just need to have someone coordinating the electors for states.”

Dec. 7: Eastman forwards Chesebro’s memo. (The recipients’ names are redacted.) A CA Federal Court (Judge Carter) ruled that Eastman and Trump likely broke the law and that this forwarded email showed the plot was fully formed and actionable as early as December 7, 2020 — a week before the December 14 elector deadline.

Dec. 9: Chesebro concedes in another memo that it will be difficult for fake electors in some key states to comply with state law, because those laws carry specific requirements for how the electors would be selected.

Dec. 11: Trump’s campaign acknowledges its push for alternate electors in a footnote in a legal filing to the WI Supreme Court.

Then the U.S. Supreme Court dismisses a desperate bid led by TX AG Ken Paxton (R) to overturn the election results in four key states, severely curtailing any legal path for the Trump campaign. Even Justices Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Clarence Thomas say they wouldn’t have granted the relief sought by TX which was to invalidate the electors in those states.

Dec. 13: Eastman pushes for fake electors arguing that state legislatures could validate them later saying in an email:The electors absolutely need to meet. If the Legislature gets some spine … those electoral votes will be available to be certified by the legislature.”

Chesebro emails Giuliani arguing that Pence, as president of the Senate, might have the authority to choose between slates of electors.

A Trump campaign aide tells fake electors meeting the next day to operate with complete secrecy and discretion.

Dec. 14: The fake electors convene in seven states: AZ, GA, MI, NV, NM, PA, and WI. Some falsely declare they are duly elected (raising questions about whether they broke the law), while in a couple of states they make their status as electors contingent on the election results being overturned. In some states, they fail to meet the legal requirements outlined by Chesebro (i.e. failing to meet in the Capitol in MI and not having the secretary of state present in NV).

Trump aide Stephen Miller cites the fake electors, saying: We are going to send those results up to Congress. They are initially pitched as precautionary — in place just in case courts later overturn the results.

Dec. 19: Eastman concedes to an activist that the fake electors will be dead on arrival in Congress, because they weren’t certified by state legislatures, writing: “The textual claim that the ‘executive’ certification would prevail in such an instance over the legislature-certified slate is contrary to Article II of the Constitution.”

Dec. 23: Despite his email four days prior, Eastman tells Trump advisers that Pence could still try to use the fake electors. 

He sends a two-page memo outlining how to use them to overturn the election, writing: “The fact that we have multiple slates of electors demonstrate the uncertainty of either. That should be enough.”

In outlining the strategy, Eastman concedes Pence would have to disregard a federal law known as the Electoral Count Act.

Dec. 28: At the DOJ Jeffrey Clark, who pushed Trump’s fraud claims internally, circulates a draft letter suggesting DOJ would treat the alternate electors as valid. Fellow DOJ officials reject Clark’s effort.

Dec. 31: Trump attorney Jenna Ellis echoes the fake-elector plot in a one-page memo.

Jan. 2Trump asks GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) in an hour-long phone call:To just find enough votes to call Biden’s victory there into question. All I want you to do is thisI just want you to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have.” (Trump said in the recorded telephone call).

Jan. 3: After The Washington Post breaks news of the Raffensperger call, Trump tries to contact Maricopa County (AZ) Board of Supervisors Chairman Clint Hickman (R) who declines to return the call, believing he would face pressure, too.

Despite his prior comments about the fake-elector plan being “dead on arrival,” Eastman by this date has written a fuller six-page memo arguing that Pence should declare the fake electors as legitimate, saying: “There are thus dual slates of electors from 7 states.”

Jan. 6: Pence declines to treat the alternate electors as valid, clearing the way for the certification of Biden’s win just hours after Trump supporters rioted at the Capitol, with many calling out to “Hang Mike Pence.”

Jan. 10: Eastman concedes in an email to an activist that the fake electors had no legal standing writing:No legislature certified them (because governors refused to call them into session), so they had no authority. Alas.”

My 2 Cents: Great timeline review from The Washington Post – worth keeping handy. Congrats to them for that stellar project.

Thanks for stopping by.

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