Saturday, June 18, 2022

Roe v. Wade Pending Decision: 13 States Have "Trigger Laws" for Immediate Implementation

(PBS research)

11 GOP-run states / 2 DEM: KY & LA

Roe v. Wade heading to the finish line with pending decision by the USSC and this concerning headline story from Business Insider:

The First 13: In states with 'trigger laws,' abortion rights are on the precipice. This is how we got here, and the chaos that comes next

Original Roe decision on January 22, 1973: The USSC issued a 7–2 decision in favor of “Jane Roe” (real name known since: Norma McCorvey) holding that “women in the United States had a fundamental right to choose whether to have abortions without excessive government restriction” as they struck down Texas's abortion ban as being unconstitutional.

Now here we are today awaiting a new decision to strike down Roe v. Wade, shattering that 50-year old established constitutional right.

Legislatures in numerous states (see map above) are poised to quickly eliminate — or enshrine — abortion rights in the wake of the upheaval. 

Now, the fate of women, and trans- and non-binary people, is sealed in 13 states with the so-called “abortion trigger” laws would ban abortion automatically: Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Texas, Oklahoma, and Wyoming.

Business Insider spent months investigating how we got here, identifying the politicians who pushed these bans, and the corporations that bankrolled their efforts. 

We filed records requests and made hundreds of calls only to find that most public agencies and major employers in these states have failed to prepare for the radical new reality that awaits us. 

We also spoke with people across those 13 states to gain more precise details (seen at the link) about their fears and expectations. 

For them, a once unimaginable future is all but certain to arrive within days in these three main topic areas:

The View from Ground Zero: People in those 13 “trigger law” states discuss their fears, expectations, and plans for a post-Roe America. 

A Refusal to Prepare: From public agencies to private corporations, few have bothered to plan for how to implement extreme abortion bans. 

Behind the Bans: Insider identified the lawmakers and corporate backers behind the anti-Roe Supreme Court majority and the state abortion “trigger laws.”

My 2 cents: A full breakdown in those three topic areas is at the main link posted here with full details too extensive to post here. They make for good reading and concern.

If anyone has doubts about the biggest two issues for 2022 and beyond then in my view it’s: #1 Our voting rights under serious assault since 2020, and #2 the Woman’s right to choose her own health care (if Roe in fact is overturned).

FYI: Two PBS links to national polls showing majority support to retain Roe are here.

Thanks for stopping by.

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