Thursday, May 12, 2022

Trump from W/H to Mar-a-Lago: Next Mar-a-Lago to Santa Rosa (FL) Correctional Institution

All yours: Not necessarily true, pal
(A number of boxes held classified docs)

Hey, Mr. Trump try to duck, dodge, deny, and deflect this big story from Reuters with this headline – bet ya’ can’t:

U.S. prosecutors open grand jury probe into Trump's handling of classified records

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Federal prosecutors have opened a grand jury probe into whether Trump mishandled classified records that ended up at his Florida residence (New York Times report citing two people briefed on the issue May 12).

Prosecutors have issued a subpoena to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to obtain the documents in question.

Authorities have also made interview requests to people who worked in the White House in Trump's final days in office

A grand jury probe suggests the DOJ has advanced in its inquiry, which began after NARA said it had recovered 15 boxes of documents, including classified records that Trump took to his Mar-a-Lago estate when he left the White House in January 2021.

Full story continues at the site linked above.

My 2 cents: If this inquiry reveals that Trump in fact took classified documents to Mar-a-Lago then it is a very serious breach of federal law (18 US Code § 1924). 

That was or may have been a national security breach (e.g., he was trying to hide or protect info that he had already gave to unauthorized persons or nations)? 

That is shear speculation on my part, but it needs to be looked at that way, too. 

FYI: Federal law called “The U.S. Presidential Records Act” requires the preservation of memos, letters, notes, emails, faxes, and other written communications related to a president's official duties. But not stored in his bedroom at Mar-a-Lago. 

I see no way out for him in this case – but with him, you never know – so stay tuned. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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