Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Immigration: The GOP's Biggest Boogeyman and They are Totally Hypocritical on the Issue

The Gipper was correct in 1986 
(The Trump-run GOP should pay attention)

Above Reagan quote is his legacy on amnesty for illegal immigrants vs. the current Trump owned and operated GOP - that has gone to Hell in a hand basket with their attitude about immigrants discussed by the following examples of classic & total GOP hypocrisy as an introduction to this post. 

This Newsweek story caught my attention and triggered my post for today.

#1 hypocrite is Donald J. Trump: His ancestors were from Germany and Scotland, and two of his three wives were immigrants with limited English, little or no work or education skills or experience – and Melania’s parents were “chain immigrants based on her status” (see #5 below).

#2 hypocrite behind the latest “limit immigrants” (see linked below) is from the wildly outspoken racist anti-immigrant advocate, Trump’s senior policy aide Stephen Miller: Researchers found: A photo of his great grand-father, Nison (aka Max) Miller, who stares out from the screen, sullen and stern, in faded black and white photo on the paper that reads: “Order of Court Denying Petition” on the official government form dated: November 12, 1932. Attached was Miller applying for naturalization as an American citizen. Beneath the photo, the reason given for his denial was one simple word: “Ignorance.”

#3 hypocrite and a member of Congress and an extremely rabid anti-immigrant advocate is Rep. Steve King (R-IA) once quoted saying:We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.” Researchers found: In his family genealogy website that his own grandmother was one such baby, arriving in 1894 from Germany.

#4 hypocrite is from FOX TV, a show host Tucker Carlson once asked:Why does America benefit with tons of people from failing countries come here?” Researchers found: A memoir from Carlson’s great-grandfather talking about how he left the poverty of Italy for the promise of America.

#5 hypocrite is from White House presidential aide Dan Scavino is quoted saying:We need to end “chain migration.” Researchers found: Victor Scavino arrived from Canelli, Italy in 1904, then brother Hector in 1905, then brother Gildo in 1912, then sister Esther in 1913, then sister Clotilde, then father Giuseppe in 1916 – all lived together in NY. Not chain migration? 

(P.S. Melania Trump’s parents moved to NY for American citizenship from Slovenia as sponsored immigrant family members).

#6 hypocrite from radical hardcore conservative airhead commentator, Tomi Lahren said: “You don’t just come into this country with low skills, low education, not understanding the language and come into our country because someone says it makes them feel nice. That’s not what this country is based on.” Researchers found: The 1930 census says Tomi’s 3x great-grandmother had been here for 41 years and still spoke only German. Her 2nd great-grandmother had been here for 10 years and spoke no English.

#7 hypocrite (lucky #7, right) is White House Chief of Staff John Kelly who told NPR:Today’s immigrants are not people easily assimilated into our modern society; they are uneducated, from rural areas, and don’t speak English.” Researchers found: And posted documents (screenshots) of Kelly’s ancestors who all fit that exact same profile – the one he is now against.

My 2 cents: Unless you are an original Native American, then your ancestors are immigrants who came from all around the globe seeking the American dream. Their work and dreams and efforts helped make us great that we still are today despite Trump’s negative attitude about greatness being lost or taken away by the DEMS for their power – ha… 

Our history runs counter to and against Trump’s “MAGA slogan” which is blatantly false, fake, racist, misleading, and just a load of crap to be honest and for the record.

Trump hates due process and he would subject those who cross our borders to the whims of unaccountable officials acting on the twisted logic of white supremacy and racism all the while the thuggery that Trump plants and drives with his daily tweets and rants and empty speeches. 

That comes on top of his vicious and constant personal insults and personal attacks on the DOJ and especially the FBI and even the courts and judges he dislikes or in some cases apparently hates, too. Like the judge born and raised in Ohio who had Mexican heritage and ruled against Trump and Trump called him every name in the book.

Also, lately, we see the highest court in the land sidestepping more and more tough issues that are supposed to be protections and rights for us all and just to appease Trump. Things like: voting rights; allowing tons and tons of money to flow into elections; voter suppression movements in GOP-run states mostly; old and stale and broken and outdated “gerrymandering” that keeps the lousy system lopsided for one side or the other – the duck or dodge, and that keeps the corrupt system alive and healthy and mostly for the angry crowd to stay in power. 

Then add in rulings for a runaway gun law system that is just plain insane. All that goes against all basic human rights and laws and protections.

That shakes the very foundation of our country and laws for over the past 240 years – that in turn keeps us more divided and hateful and angry and mean and aggressive at each other like some third rate country totally out of control and lawless. 

Solutions if any? Not at the ballot box, that system is now passé. Trump says the system is rigged – but he means against him individually - yes, he who won in 2016 yet he and keeps blaming Hillary Clinton for his win.

Short of Civil War II (which the Right seems to be pushing) – I just do not know what the solutions are – do you??? 

Thanks for stopping by.

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