Monday, April 11, 2022

2020 Election Rigged & Stolen: We Hear that 24/7 from Trump as He Redefines Insanity

One day after this, Trump fired the Director
(Kris Krebs whom Trump had appointed)

Review this 60-Minutes interview with Kris Krebs about his firing – the original post then follows:

Very timely and detailed NEWSWEEK article with this headline (and formatted to fit the blog):

“Trump Arrives for North Carolina Rally Amid Treason Accusations”

Trump arrived in Selma, NC (Saturday. April 9) for a “Save America” rally just as he and his allies — now more so including his son Trump Jr. — faces accusations of treason for planning a “coup.”

Supporters of the former president are converging on Selma to attend the right-wing event at The Farm at 95, which is about 30 miles southeast of Raleigh. While thousands of Trump supporters regularly attend his rallies, the venue for this event can only hold about 400 attendees. The rally, which is scheduled to start at 7 p.m., will be live-streamed on YouTube by Right Side Broadcasting Network as well as through the website Rumble.

The day before, CNN first reported that Donald Trump Jr. — the former president's eldest child — sent a text message to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows just two days after the November 3, 2020 presidential election, outlining strategies to subvert President Joe Biden's win. At that time, multiple states were still counting ballots and Biden would not be determined as the winner until November 7.

NOTE:  My earlier post related to the same subject is here.

Heart of Trump Jr’s texts to Mark Meadows concluded:We have operational control Total Leverage Moral High Ground – POTUS must start 2nd term now.”

After the news of the text messages broke, a number of legal experts, former law enforcement officials and lawmakers weighed-in.

For example:

Glenn Kirschner, a former U.S. Army prosecutor, who works as an NBC News/MSNBC legal analyst, wrote on Twitter that the messages were clear proof that Trump Jr. was: “Part of his father's criminal conspiracy to overturn the election.”

Kirschner concluded asking:How long do we have to endure this open, treasonous criminality by Trump and company before someone gets indicted?”

NOTE: My post link ref above also contains Kirschner’s video clip.

Asha Rangappa, a lawyer and senior lecturer at Yale University as well as a former FBI special agent – and she Tweeted: “What this makes clear is that Jan. 6 was not based on a belief, good faith or otherwise, that the outcome of the 2020 election was decided incorrectly—they were plotting this before the votes had even been counted! The coup was the plan from the get-go.

Laurence Tribe, a professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard, said he agreed with Rangappa's assessment: “She has this just right. Most others have missed this key point: Junior's revelations kill the innocent state of mind defense, leaving compelling proof of corrupt intent for each of the several federal felonies the plotters close to the defeated president committed.”

Former FBI agent Peter Strzok on MSNBC The Katie Phang Show that he thinks investigators, whether in Congress or at the DOJ, should question Trump Jr. about who he was talking to because he didn't come up with these strategies on his own sayingThe question is where did they come from? Is this part of a coordinated activity? It certainly appears to be what played out when January 6th came around.”

Those questions, concerns, and accusations also align with a ruling issued in March by Central CA U.S. District Court Judge David Carter’s opinion written in part that says in part: “Trump's and his allies' campaign was not confined to the ivory tower — it was a coup in search of a legal theory. Based on the evidence, the Court finds it more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021.”

Trump Jr’s attorney, Alan Futerfas, then weighed in saying that his client likely forwarded the November 5, 2020 text messages, adding:After the election, Don received numerous messages from supporters and others. Given the date, this message likely originated from someone else and was forwarded.” 

Donald J. Trump has consistently rejected accusations that he acted improperly in challenging the election results or incited the January 6, 2021 attack against the Capitol. He contends that all investigations into him and his family are purely partisan in nature. He says the goal is to prevent him from seeking the presidency again in the future, if he chooses to do so.

NOTE: That is posted below in part:

The former president has doubled-down on his false claims about the 2020 election in the wake of the Capitol riot. In an interview published by The Washington Post on Thursday, he insisted that it was possible that he could be “reinstated” as president — a theory that even some of his staunch allies have rejected.

History and background that will not go away:

Dozens of election challenge lawsuits were filed by Trump and his supporters (some 60 plus). The all failed at the state, Federal, and even the Supreme Court level after the 2020 election and ruled on by judges that Trump appointed.

There have been numerous counts, re-counts, and audits of both counts and re-counts with the same results: Trump lost and Biden won and some even gave Biden a larger margins. Biden increased his victory in AZ and TX for example, even after audits and recounts and audits of re-counts. Plus, in states where the election was overseen by pro-Trump Republicans and were Trump won as in TX. They all consistently reaffirmed Biden's victory. 

Even former AG William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal Cabinet members, said repeatedly that there is “no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud.”

Barr later wrote in his memoir recently published that he even told Trump to his face that “the claims were bullish*t.”

Nevertheless, Trump constantly claims victory saying the election of stolen from him. He recently professed during a Michigan rally that:The presidential election was rigged and stolen and because of that our country is being destroyed. We did win, we did win ...We won by a lot, not just a little.” 

He even said once that he will be “reinstated” – yikes!! What a paranoid loser


1. Trump Vows “Justice for the January. 6 Prisoners” to Cheers at Selma, NC Rally

2. Trump Rally-Goers Blast “Demonic Media and Await God or the Aliens”

My 2 Cents: Right-wingers say: “Stop talking about President Trump – he’s no longer in office” – true he is not, but he has massive power and control over this “new” GOP that quite frankly is solely owned and operated by Donald J. Trump.

Listen to GOP hardliners in the House like: Marjorie Taylor Greene; Lauren Bobert; Jim Jordan; Matt Gaetz; Louie Gohmert; Paul Gosar; Mo Brooks, et al.

Then add GOP hardliners in the Senate like: Ted Cruz; Josh Hawley; Tom Cotton; John Kennedy; Marshal Blackburn; Ron Johnson, and two very big two-faced flip-floppers: Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell.  

They all make my points precisely by both their words and actions – they are all scared to death of Trump and his hold on the GOP base

Thus, they fear Trump and the thought of losing power, and Trump knows that, too, so he has them hook, line, and sinker:

Thanks for stopping by.

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