Sunday, February 6, 2022

RNC January 6 Stance: "That Was Legitimate Political Discourse" — Now 100% With Trump

Legitimate Political Discourse Capitol Event
(Now with official RNC Stamp of Approval)

This story from CBC news and many other sources should spell the end of the GOP in American politics – this RNC headline tells why:

Republican Party calls January 6 attack legitimate political discourse

At the same time of that RNC statement, the House GOP is punishing two of its own members for participating in an investigation of January 6, 2021 attack.

The story: The RNC on Friday (February 4) censured two of its own — Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) — over their involvement in Congress' probe of Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and an attack led by his supporters on the Capitol.

Two honest loyal Republicans hung out to dry
(RNC-Trump defamed, degraded, and discarded)

Cheney and Kinzinger are also two of many other Republicans who voted to impeach Trump on a charge of incitement of the insurrection after the deadly January 6, 2021 attack – they are also the only Republicans sitting on the House’s Special Committee investigating the attack.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) passed a resolution rebuking Cheney and Kinzinger for their involvement on the January 6 select committee, accusing them: Of participating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse.” 

Or maybe this RNC/GOP/Trump entry into the 2022 Funk & Wagnalls edition?

I say the bottom left is the winner for most GOPers

Copy of that RNC resolution is here from NPR.

Recall that four people died on that horrible day, plus a Capitol Police officer died the next day, 140 police officers were injured and many with lifelong injuries, plus four later died by suicide.

The RNC resolution passed on a voice vote as 168 members of the RNC gathered for their winter meeting in Salt Lake City. The yes vote was overwhelming with only a handful of nay votes.

Reporters at the meeting said many of those who cast a nay vote say the resolution will damage GOP to win back majorities in Congress.

The measure said the RNC will “immediately cease any and all support of them as party members.”

However, it stopped short of calling for their ouster from the party as was initially proposed.

Trump, who retains a strong grip over his party as the midterm congressional elections draw closer, has been on the warpath against Republicans who have taken a stand against him. Republicans are trying to take control of both the House and the Senate from President Joe Biden's fellow Democrats.

Pence says Trump was “wrong”

On that same day, former vice-president Mike Pence directly rebutted Trump's false claims that Pence somehow had the power to have overturned the results of the 2020 election, saying that the former president was simply wrong. 

In a speech to the conservative Federalist Society in Florida, Pence addressed Trump's intensifying efforts this week to advance the false narrative that he could have done something to prevent Joe Biden from taking office, saying:President Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election.”

My 2 Cents: Pretty simple in my view – hopefully in the view of many others, too. This act shows without any doubt that the GOP does not take the insurrection seriously.

Worse, the RNC is now in a cowardly lock-step formation with Trump who keeps the “Big Lie” alive saying he won in 2020 and Joe Biden is in office illegally. 

I can’t say how worrisome this RNC action and the overall GOP view of siding with Trump is.

Related to that same worry is here in my earlier post.

We as a nation, a free and united country, and not this divided, should be scared to death about the status of our future now set in motion by Trump and only just for Trump.

Worse now is that he has the strong GOP backing as this RNC proclamation shows, plus statements from many now serving in or seeking an office in Congress.

That is painfully clear for anyone who had any doubt before – this RNC action by itself with that January 6 statement has erased any and all doubt at least in my mind and as I said, hopefully in your mind, too.

This “new” Trump owned and operated GOP has gone full throttle with Trump down a deep, dark abyss to Hell itself in my opinion. What lies ahead is anyone's guess - but with Trump at the helm, anything is possible and it won't be pretty. 

His aim is clear: He is coming for anyone who ever opposed him and his history of election lies:

You, you, and you are next...

Thanks for stopping by.

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