Thursday, February 17, 2022

January 6 "Big Lie" Sycophants: "Oath Keepers" Leader Top of the Insurrectionist's List


Up to his ass in alligators & he didn’t drain the swamp

Shocking “Oath Keepers” news? Actually, no, not shocking not one bit … this story update on January 6 and their “leader” and his post-January 6 plans here from NBC News with this headline:

Feds say Oath Keepers plot went beyond January 6 attack on the Capitol

Highlights from the article with short video introduction:

WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Wednesday (February 16) expressed skepticism about releasing the founder of the right-wing Oath Keepers organization ahead of his trial on seditious conspiracy charges in connection with the January 6 riot, as prosecutors revealed new evidence about the plot and how it extended beyond that Capitol attack.

Elmer Stewart Rhodes III (photo and quote above) was arrested in January, charged along with several other Oath Keepers in a seditious conspiracy case that alleges “they planned to stop the lawful transfer of presidential power and keep former President Donald Trump in office.”

The Feds said that Rhodes — who was on the grounds of the Capitol on January 6 — had helped organize quick reaction forces (QRF), including at a hotel in nearby VA. A federal magistrate judge in Texas ordered Rhodes held until trial last month, and his attorneys appealed. Since his first detention hearing, Rhodes testified before the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 attack.

Federal authorities argued before Judge Amit P. Mehta that there were no conditions of release that would reasonably assure the safety of the community and Rhodes’ future court appearances.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Kathryn Rakoczy revealed that Rhodes wrote in a group chat with other co-conspirators:January 6 could be final nail in the coffin of the United States.” 

Rhodes continued: “Trump must know that if he fails to act, we will. He has to understand that we will have no choice. With Trump (preferably) or without him, we have no choice.”

Rakoczy then argued that the plot to oppose the transfer of power to President Joe Biden went beyond January 6 and she further wrote that on January 12 Rhodes wrote that he:Did not believe Trump would invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807 and call up the military, as former President George H.W. Bush did during the 1992 L.A. riots I hope I am wrong, I pray I am wrong. But Oath Keepers should prepare to walk the founders' path.”

Judge Mehta asked Rhodes' lawyer James Bright why there was a need for “QRFs at all.” 

Bright said they believed that they would be able to use the weapons on Trump's authority to combat groups like Antifa or Black Lives Matter, adding: “There was no conspiracy to overthrow the government, although there was some bombastic language involved.” 

Prosecutors wrote and argued otherwise saying:Rhodes spearheaded a conspiracy to oppose by force the execution of the laws governing the transfer of presidential power in the United States. Rhodes stood at the center of the seditious conspiracy — orchestrating plans to use force, recruiting and financing co-conspirators, purchasing weaponry, tactical gear, inciting support and action, and endeavoring to conceal his and other coconspirators’ crimes.” 

Then Judge Mehta said if he does release Rhodes, it would be under strict conditions: (1) house arrest, (2) 24-hour-a-day monitoring, and (3) prohibition of internet access. He then opted against an immediate decision. 

After an extensive hearing featuring live testimony from an FBI agent working on the case, a magistrate judge in TX near where Rhodes was arrested denied pretrial release saying Rhodes posed a “significant release of harm to others.”

Entire story is here:

Also, related is this crazy statement from Rhodes reported on here from Politico with this headline:

Oath Keepers leader told the January 6 committee he still sees 2020 election as illegitimate.”

My 2 Cents: Simple, charge, indict, try, convict, and then lock up Rhodes and his conspiracy pals as the law will allow – the max.

Lock Rhodes up and throw away the key. He is truly a “Clear and Present Danger” without any doubt.

Rhodes and his pals are as guilty as sin as the expression conveys. Case closed.

Thanks for stopping by.

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