Saturday, August 7, 2021

Partners in Crime: Donald J. Trump & Jeffrey Clark Plot Even Bigger Than Watergate


Save the country: Indict, Try, Jail Trump & Clark
(Subversion Plot: May be others)

Part of this update from the Washington Post

First update (August 8) of the following main post: Jeffrey Clark is totally unhinged now with his latest craziness in this story from this Business Insider as he sounds more and more like Trump or even Rep. Taylor Greene (Jewish lasers started West Coast fires) with her totally crazy conspiracy rants.

 “Jeffrey Clark, Trump-appointed DOJ official, claimed Chinese thermostats changed votes in 2020 election, reports say”

Intro and Highlights from this Update:

·  Jeffrey Clark, a Trump-appointed DOJ official, asked his superiors to look into “foreign election interference issues.”

·  Newly released emails reveal that Clark claimed China had changed voter ballots using thermostats.

·  Clark also urged Georgia to investigate voter irregularities, despite DOJ stating there were none.

Clark wrote to his superiors including acting AG Jeffrey Rosen and his deputy, Richard Donoghue, in a recently released email from December 2020 asking them to look into “foreign election interference issues.”

Clark claimed that hackers had evidence that “a Dominion voting machine accessed the Internet through a smart thermostat with a net connection trail leading back to China.” 

The emails in this story were obtained by the House Oversight Committee and reported on by ABC news.

I point out with this update to see how much Clark and so many other Republicans stick with and try to mimic Trump. It is totally mind-boggling.

Story update continues here.


Second update (August 8): This story just keeps growing it seems by the hour. Below is an interview with the leading excellent journalist and her reporting for the NY Times, Katie Benner (awarded Pulitzer Prize in 2018),with MSNBC, regarding her work with this very critical story:

New NYT reporting on Trump’s DOJ reveals how close we were to being pushed to the point of chaos

Click here for her 5-minute interview.


The original post follows:

Great reporting by NY Times journalist Katie Benner with details in this article, even proven to be true (which I suspect they are) then is must in the end nail Trump and Jeffrey Clark and who knows who else for full prosecution and jail time – this is potentially the most-serious crime ever attempted by Donald J. Trump? The story below with this headline (formatted to fit the blog):

“Former Acting Attorney General Testifies About Trump’s Efforts to Subvert Election”

WASHINGTON — Jeffrey Rosen, who was acting attorney general during the Trump administration after Trump fired William Barr, has told the DOJ watchdog (the DOJ IG) and Congressional investigators that one of his deputies tried to help Trump subvert the results of the 2020 election – that according to a person familiar with the interviews.

Rosen had a two-hour meeting on Friday (August 6) with the DOJ IG, Michael Horowitz and then the following day provided closed-door testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The investigations were opened following a New York Times article that detailed efforts by Jeffrey Clark Acting head of the DOJ Civil Division, to push top leaders to falsely and publicly assert that ongoing election fraud investigations cast doubt on the Electoral College results.

That prompted Trump to consider ousting Rosen and installing Clark at the top of the department to carry out that plan. 

Trump did not fire Rosen, but the plot highlights Trump's desire to batter the DOJ into advancing his personal agenda that the 2020 election was “rigged, fraudulent, against him, and that he did not lose.

Clark, who did not respond to requests for comment, said in January that all of his official communications with the White House “were consistent with law,” and that he had engaged in “a candid discussion of options and pros and cons with the president.”

Rosen did not respond to requests for comment.

The IG spokesman declined to comment.

Rosen has emerged as a key witness in multiple investigations that focus on Trump’s efforts to undermine the results of the election. 

Rosen has publicly stated that the DOJ did not find enough fraud to impact the outcome of the election.

Rosen told investigators from the IG’s office about five encounters he had with Clark, including one in late December during which his deputy admitted to meeting with Trump and pledged that he would not do so again, according to a person familiar with the interview.

Rosen also described subsequent exchanges with Clark, who continued to press colleagues to make statements about the election that they found to be untrue (that according to a person familiar with the interview).

Rosen also discovered that Clark had been engaging in unauthorized conversations with Trump about ways to have the DOJ publicly cast doubt on Biden’s victory, particularly in battleground states that Trump was fixated on like Georgia.

Clark drafted a letter that he asked Rosen to send to Georgia state legislators, wrongly asserting that they should void Biden’s victory because the DOJ was investigating accusations of voter fraud in that state.

Such a letter would effectively undermine efforts by Clark’s colleagues to prevent the White House from overturning the election results. 

Rosen and his top deputy, Richard Donoghue, both rejected the proposal.

As details of Clark’s actions emerge, it is unclear what, if any, consequences he could face. 

The DOJ IG could make a determination about whether Clark crossed the line into potentially criminal behavior. In that case, the inspector general could refer the matter to federal prosecutors.

Rosen has spent much of the year in discussions with the DOJ over what information he could provide to investigators, given that decision-making conversations between administration officials are usually kept confidential.

However Douglas Collins, a lawyer for Trump, said last week that the former president would not seek to bar former DOJ officials from speaking with investigators. But Collins said he might take some undisclosed legal action if congressional investigators sought “privileged information.”

Rosen quickly scheduled interviews with Congressional investigators to get as much of his version of events on the record before any players could ask the courts to block the proceedings – that according to two people familiar with those discussions and who are not authorized to speak about ongoing investigations.

Rosen also reached out directly to the IG and he pledged to cooperate with his investigation, according to a person briefed on those talks.

My 2 Cents: This story is very troubling on many levels vis-à-vis Trump’s sustained efforts to overturn the 2020 election and illegally get back in the White House.

Recall that Trump lost every challenge to the election and that includes over 60 local, state, and Federal court cases as well as 3-4 USSC rulings against Trump. 

Trump lost on election night, a few days and weeks afterwards with counts, recounts, and audits and now the bogus AZ Cyber Ninjas audit that is way off track or even being legitimate – and that according to numerous AZ GOP state officials. 

Yet, Trump simply will not give up even as everything he has tried has failed. His actions have further divided the country in the very worse way possible.  

So, what’s next? Another January 6 riot – only more heavily armed I fear. 

Nothing will change until Trump is indicted, officially charged, tried, and convicted of a very serious crime, and to sentence him to a very long prison term.

Thanks for stopping by.

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