Thursday, August 12, 2021

GOPers Blame DEMS for Everything: Memo to Red State Governors Look in the Nearest Mirror


Two Arrogant Hard-Headed Governors 
(Ron DeSantis (R-FL) & Greg Abbott (R-TX)

The COVID “Delta” variant report here from NBC News that is impacting FL and TX – see this headline:

“Higher vaccination rates in Texas and Florida could've saved 4,700 lives study finds”

Outbreaks are predominantly affecting states that have relatively low vaccination coverage, with nearly a third of recent cases occurring in Florida and Texas.

Researchers also warned that the highly infectious “Delta variant” would only worsen matters.

Higher vaccination rates in these two states (TX and FL) could have prevented more than 70,000 hospitalizations and 4,700 deaths by the end of July.

Researchers found that enhanced vaccination would have markedly curbed the rise of cases in Florida and Texas — averting more than 460,000 cases.

Since the start of vaccination on December 12, 2020 and until July 31, 2021, Florida and Texas have reported more than 1.5 million and 1.7 million cases, respectively.

Researchers also said that achieving 74% vaccination coverage by July 31, 2021, could have reduced the case count to approximately 1.3 million cases in FL and 1.5 million cases in TX.

Finally, researchers said more than 7 million FL residents and 9 million in TX, who are eligible for the vaccine, remain unvaccinated, and many of them are in danger.

My 2 Cents: DeSantis and Abbott are both #1 rated bad Governors – they care about their political survival and not the survival of their citizens now suffering badly with the “Delta” COVID variant and on the verge of total collapse in their states.

Why? They like many other Republicans thrive on, peddle, and sell their harsh GOP conservative social agenda (also here) to their loyalists who lap it up just like they do for Trump.   

Shame on them both. The story above tells it just the way it is and that is simply: Pathetic.

Thanks for stopping by.

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