Monday, August 2, 2021

Anti-Vaxxer Sees the Light: A Lesson Learned to be Passed to Other Anti-Vaxxers ASAP


Daryl Barker (pictured above) clinging to life
(Anti-Vaxxer now Wants the Vaccination)

Learning a lesson the hard way (on the edge of death and now sees the light) – this story headline from The AP:

“31-year-old man recovering in Missouri hospital after being given a 20% chance of survival; eschewed vaccine, citing strong conservative family”

Daryl Barker (pictured above hooked up in hospital and clinging to life), his wife, and eight relatives all contracted COVID-19 – they now say they’ll get vaccinated as soon as his health is restored.

My 2 Cents: Call this his WTF moment … a sad story maybe with a positive ending – time will tell.

I hope all other anti-vaxxers pay close attention and heed his message.

Thanks for stopping by.

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