Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Trump Sues Twitter, Google, Facebook: They Banned Him & He Seeks Revenge to Raise Money


A pitiful example of a human being
(Says he was banned for no reason)

Snake Oil Don back front and center

Updated: This just in from Newsweek on the topic below with this headline:

“Trump’s Lawsuit Claims Michelle Obama and Democrats Coerced Facebook to Ban Him”

Trump also is blaming Democrats, including former first lady Michelle Obama, for pressuring Facebook to ban him from their platform, thereby making it harder for him to run for president in 2024.

Full story at the Newsweek site – check it out.

Original post is below:

From Bloomberg this latest fund-raising stunt from Trump with this headline:

“Trump Sues Facebook, Twitter, and Google Over Social Media Bans”

Legal-related parts from the article:

NetChoice CEO Steve DelBianco (whose members include Amazon and other tech companies) said in a release:Trump’s action shows a deliberate misunderstanding of the First Amendment and is without merit. Trump has no case. The First Amendment is designed to protect the media from the President, not the other way around.”

The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) whose members include Facebook, Twitter, and Google said in a joint statement that digital services have the right to enforce their terms of service and “that frivolous class action litigation will not change the fact that users – even Presidents – have to abide by the rules they agreed to.”

Joshua Davis, a professor at University of San Francisco’s law school, agreed Trump’s legal argument was weak but he also said politics may inspire some judges to rule differently, adding: Trump is very likely to lose the cases on the legal merits. Having said that, there are political movements afoot that probably make it attractive to conservative judges who are concerned about effects of social media on conservative causes and also more liberal judges who are concerned about the power that social media commands.”

The Scam: Trump and the RNC began fundraising solicitations almost immediately, including one appeal seeking donations that says: “To show your support for President Trump’s lawsuit against Big Tech.”

My Note: So, it is true. This is purely in simple terms, just another Trump con. Just another of his wild scams to raise money that he badly needs to meet financial obligations (loans and such) that he is failing to meet.

Trump in reality with this suit seeks to overturn the Federal law that shields internet companies from liability for content posted by users – and that provision is in “Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act (CDA).” 

That provision protects social media platforms from lawsuits that accuse them of unfairly removing posts or accounts, among other legal challenges. 

Plus, the First Amendment prohibits the government from forcing tech companies to leave up or take down certain categories of posts.

Additionally, those three companies are private and not subject to First Amendment claims from users that gives them liability protections under Section 230 of that law.

Full story at the Bloomberg link – check it out.

My 2 Cents: Once again Trump blatantly shows how nasty and corrupt he truly is. Time to wake up, America — that is mostly red-state Trump loyalists.

This again shows that he will use any method and stoop to any low to raise money (now using the RNC) to help him meet his tons of financial debt which are piling up and he can’t find any banks to loan him more money. 

He is badly hurting for money to meet those obligations, and this effort might be one of his very worse, low-down efforts yet. We shall see.

Thanks for stopping by.

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