Monday, July 12, 2021

Many GOP-run States: "We Don't Need to Stinkin" Vaccinations — Leave Us Alone — Oops

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R)
(Learns Virus Lesson the Hard Way)

GOP-run states learning about the virus the hard way – story here from ABC News from Arkansas with this headline vis-à-vis the “Delta” virus variant:

“Governor 'working hard' to combat vaccine hesitancy amid COVID surge in state”

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) said Sunday on ABC “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos that he and his administration are “working hard to overcome vaccine hesitancy” and that he “would accept the federal government's help as the delta-variant cases surge across his state amid plateauing statewide vaccination rates.”

Hutchinson continued as his state has only 35% of residents fully vaccinated, and some of the lowest vaccination rates in the country. 

He said his administration's efforts will largely target the 30-54 age demographic, as this group has both low-vaccination and high-hospitalization rates, also saying:

We're working very hard to go to that population through the employer, through trusted advisers, such as the clinics, making sure they have the information and overcoming the (vaccine) hesitancy or just the simply 'we're-putting-it-off' approach. We just have to answer it just like we have all through history, that you overcome skepticism and mistrust by truth. You overcome resistance and abstinence with saying it's important for our community, and it's important for the health of our state and nation.”

My 2 Cents: Well, its’ about time a RED state Governor finally sees he light – where are the rest of the stubborn anti-vaxxer, anti-Biden, we hate DEMS GOP officials with their runaway virus numbers? Oops won’t suffice. 

Will other RED states pay attention — not likely based on their history thus far as well as harsh actions on other critical issues like suppressing voting rights, etc.

So, I say to them: Buckle up and do the right thing to save lives and be a political hero. They just might survive in office while saving lives, too.

Thanks for stopping by.

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