Tuesday, June 22, 2021

January 6 Capitol Police Babbitt Shooting: Officer Acted Properly Put On Leave Has No Charges


No malice, nothing serious, just Hang Mike Pence

Peaceful Capitol visitors seeking entrance 

Review of the words Insurrection & Riot: 

As nouns the difference between insurrection and riot is that: Insurrection is an organized opposition to government authority of the United States or law thereof, or acts that give aid or comfort to those who do, also commonly called: Mutiny; Rebellion; Revolt; or Uprising.

Riot: Is a wanton and mostly unrestrained act and behavior by any group of people in an uproar with riots mostly being spontaneous against any variety of social or anti-this or that issues.

False Flag (GOP weapon of opportunity): An operation, act, or words used to commit something with the intent of disguising the actual source of such, or taking responsibility of such action by pinning the blame on another party or person(s).


From NBC News two related stories on the Ashli Babbitt shooting at the Capitol on January 6: from here and from here.

First watch this very disturbing DOJ video [click here] about 3-minutes:

Investigators have determined the Capitol Police officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt during the U.S. Capitol riot (January 6) should not be charged with any crimes (law enforcement sources familiar with the investigation told NBC News).

The WSJ also reported that police investigators recommended the police officer not be charged, although the U.S. Attorney's Office will make the final decision on the matter.

Ashli Babbitt was a 35-year-old Air Force veteran and ardent supporter of Trump. She was part of the pro-Trump rioters who wanted to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s win in the 2020 presidential election and were threatening members of Congress and then-VP Mike Pence, who were evacuated as the mob made its way closer to and eventually inside the Capitol Building, while many shouted “Hang Mike Pence.”

Videos show rioters who made it into the building breaking glass on doors near the House Chamber, which were blocked haphazardly from the inside with chairs in an attempt to prevent the mob from entering.

As Babbitt tried to climb through the shattered glass, she was fatally shot by a Capitol Police officer who fired at her once hitting her in the upper shoulder – she later died at the hospital.

The police officer has not been identified by Capitol Police nor by investigators, who all say as did the police officer's lawyer Mark Schamel, who told NBC:He (the police officer) used clear appropriate use of force. It's not even a close call. The broken doors and a few officers were the only things separating the mob from getting to members of Congress. I think it's his heroism and his restraint that saved lives.”

The DOJ announced that the D.C. Metro Police Department would investigate the shooting. Meanwhile, the police officer was placed on leave as they said:This is routine, standard procedure whenever an officer deploys lethal force. The D.C. U.S. Attorney’s Office is overseeing the investigation.” A DOJ spokesperson, and the DOJ did not immediately respond to a request for any comments, and a spokesperson for the Capitol Police also said the department does not comment on ongoing investigations.

A spokeswoman for the D.C. Metro Police said the investigation was not complete, and that:It would be irresponsible to make an investigatory assumption or to jump to any conclusion. There is no further update available to provide at this time.” 

The U.S. Attorney's Office in D.C. is investigating the attack on the Capitol and is also leading prosecutions against an ever-growing list of more than 150 people who were allegedly involved (Note: Now grown to over 500 people).

Notes on Babbitt: She as a decorated security forces controller in the U.S. Air Force and had served multiple Middle East tours from 2004 to 2016. Her twitter handle: “CommonAshSense.”

She was almost singularly focused on radical conservative topics and conspiracy theories, who also was a loyal Fox News watcher. That according to thousands of tweets to Fox News hosts. She also was engaged on social media with the conspiracy site of Alex Jones: InfoWars.

In 2020, Babbitt began to tweet with QAnon accounts and use QAnon hashtags. The day before the January 6 rally, she tweeted: “Nothing will stop us ... they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours ... dark to light!”

On forums and platforms like “Parler,” where Trump supporters and QAnon followers fled after being banned on Twitter and Facebook, many claimed Babbitt’s death was faked. Others on the far-right have hailed Babbitt as a martyr for the cause.

My 2 cents: A lot of Republicans, including in my neck of the woods, are demanding to know the name of the police officer involved in the Babbitt shooting. 

One does not have to guess why they want his name: Obviously to bash him, to insult him, to degrade him, and belittle him across all harsh, raw rightwing media channels and outlets to paint him as some sort of evil person who killed an innocent woman (who was just visiting the capitol and the only way she could gain entry was breaching security through a broken window) while her companions shouted “Hang Mike Pence” and “Stop the Steal.”

The officer did his sworn duty to protect and defend those in that house chamber as I might add he had the sworn duty to do. 

No one on that day at that moment inside that chamber during the assault knew what kind of weapons those breaching security had, or what their intentions were, or what bodily harm they could inflict on innocent members inside the House chamber.

I hope everyone who reads will agree that the officer acted properly.

Thanks for stopping by.

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