Friday, May 28, 2021

Russian President Today: BBC Short Historical Look at Vladimir Putin Now President for Life


Vladimir Putin: Early teen
(The resemblance is uncanny)

Very interesting BBC video (about 3-minutes) – on a current world leader with this headline:

How Putin became a spy and the married Lyudmila

In this video extract from the BBC’s “Select Documentary: A Russian Spy Story” is a short segment on Vladimir Putin, his early childhood, his teenage years from being a schoolyard bully, to then joining the KGB, and meeting his future wife, Lyudmila. 

Now, we see that he will be Russia’s president for life.

That story in part: Putin started in December 31, 1999 (his first term as president). He then had a 4-year break, but his hand-picked man, Dmitry Medvedev, appointed Putin as Prime Minister. 

After Medvedev left after 4 years (one-term), Putin was reelected president in 2012. Now, it seems he’s on his way to be president for life (at least until 2037, and that would total 38 years in office. He would be 85 years old). He he got that lifetime term law from his carefully-controlled Russian Federation government changed the rules so he could say forever and just for him. 

Wow, talk the power of this new Russian dictator, ouch...!!!

My 2 cents: Nothing to add except what a very interesting story – enjoy.



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