Saturday, December 5, 2020

Trump-Giuliani Clown Show Continues: Conspiracies and Wild Witness Stories Run Amok


Election Fraud Witness List People Like Her
(It’s gotten worse with each one)

My introduction: This is how facts get twisted to fit a wild conspiracy narrative in a story that seems true on the surface after someone or a few people heard this or that and run with it, but after digging deeper turn out to be not factual – not the truth – and let’s keep in mind that the truth matters in all cases or at least it should, but nowadays under Trump and his ilk that seems outdated.

The subject of this post today comes from USA Today’s fact checkers and it’s a whopper of a story still spreading across GOP la-la land about missing, unsigned, falsely marked, or otherwise tampered with election ballots and machines, and such “fixing or rigging” as Trump has proclaimed.

Related here from PolitiFact.

Both sources and many before them testimony:

The false story and myth that Trump and Giuliani keep spreading and more so lately with a stream of wacky witnesses with this latest story headline:

Fact check: Alleged ‘backdated ballots’ wouldn’t have been counted even if USPS claim true

From the USA Today article – focus on WI:

The whistleblower, Ethan Pease, was a temporary employee of a USPS subcontractor working in Wisconsin during the election claims USPS workers told him about 100,000 “missing ballots” and a move to backdate ballots.

His claim is being trumpeted by an array of conservative news outlets and personalities — including President Trump — amid the ongoing effort to discredit and overturn election results in Wisconsin.

Claims of widespread voter fraud across the U.S. have been presented without evidence and led to a string of defeats for the Trump campaign in over two dozen courts. This claim carries a particularly noteworthy bit of senselessness — even if it were 100% true, it would not have altered the Wisconsin election results by a single vote. Pease told his story shortly after the election, but it has found renewed life after he appeared at a December 1 press conference in Arlington, VA. 

He then made two appearances on Fox News: First with Sean Hannity, then second one with Lou Dobbs

Trump posted Pease’s press conference video on his YouTube page (no link available).

My 2 cents: Trump and like-minded supporters just will not give up and refuse to accept the fact that he lost no ifs, ands, or buts.

The above witness testimony further reinforces and illustrates how desperate Trump is, plus the miserable testimony from the woman pictured above in Michigan alongside a grim Giuliani.

Thanks for stopping by.

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