Friday, October 30, 2020

Donald Trump Jr.: Crazy Acorn Doesn't Fall Far from the Daddy Tree - Must Be In Their DNA


Don Jr. Enters Virus Fray Just Like Daddy Don

Donald Trump Jr. appeared on Trump-friendly prime-time FOX News Thursday night (October 29) with host Laura Ingraham and confidently stated not once but twice that the coronavirus death toll is approaching nil (Washington Post story).

Trump Jr. said:People are truly morons. The reality is this — I put it up on my Instagram a couple days ago, because I went through the CDC data, because I kept hearing about new cases, but I was like why aren’t they talking about deaths? Oh, oh: because the number is almost nothing. Look at my Instagram. It’s gone to almost nothing.”

For someone like him to call people “morons,” he might have wanted to look a little harder in the nearest mirror.

Jr.'s claim was flat-out wrong. Not only did 1,000 Americans die of the coronavirus the same day Jr. made his comments, but the death toll is actually rising. 

Cases in fact rise much more quickly as the death toll often lags behind because people don’t die instantly. It takes a while for the death numbers to catch and be reported for any agency. How did Jr. get his info so wrong? 

Jr. like Daddy Don and many Trump allies before him, have no understanding or caring to accurately state official government data about this virus.

Jr’s chart numbers way off base: The number of deaths has risen substantially. His chart shows 149 deaths for the week ending October 24, which not true – it was actually 842 on that date. 

We’re seeing nearly 1,000 deaths per day, but his chart shows 1,477 deaths for the week, and just a few days later it was: 2,626.

New Facts: CDC numbers as of October 30 show over 9 million infection cases and 229,000 deaths, and growing hourly.

My 2 cents: Not much to add to this dumbass’ statement. Pitiful and shameful. 

Thanks for stopping by. 

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