Sunday, September 13, 2020

Trump Smear Got FBI Agent Peter Strzok Fired: He is Real, Honest, Sincere, and Dedicated

Strzok fired; Page resigned: Not the real story 
(Donald J. Trump is the real story)

Strzok’s new book – one of many vis-à-vis the real Trump
(All published very recently)

“Meet the Press” (September 13) interview is below). Key parts from Strzok and also here from The Hill:

He said:I believed at the time in 2016 and I continue to believe that Donald Trump is compromised by the Russians. And when I say that I mean that they hold leverage over him that makes him incapable of placing the national interest, the national security ahead of his own.”

He also said:One of the largest ways that people in foreign governments gain leverage, certainly in the case of the president, is through financial entanglements. I think when you take a look at the Trump financial enterprise, particularly its relationship with Russian, with Russian monies and potentially those related to organized crime and other elements, that those interactions have placed him in a position where the Russians have leverage over him and are able to influence his actions.”

Chuck Todd questioned Strzok about the text messages between himself and former FBI attorney Lisa Page, with whom he had an affair and she resigned BTW, asking him whether he blamed himself for “putting himself in a compromising position, or whether he believed he was treated unfairly.”

Strzok said:I certainly regret sending the text messages that were absolutely weaponized and used to bludgeon the work of the FBI, the work of the special counsel, and I'll always regret that.”

Strzok continued:The way that those things were weaponized was part of an ongoing pattern of the Trump administration purging dissenters.”

Strzok concluded:Whether it is in the impeachment hearings with regard to Ukraine, the whistleblower, or anybody in any number of federal government agencies – if somebody dares speak the truth about this administration, this administration has shown no boundaries in going after people in ways that frankly is shocking, are shocking and are inappropriate.”

Directly related story of those texts between Strzok and Page in this AP story.

Headline:No evidence 19,000 text messages between FBI officials destroyed.”

The MTP show video is below. 

Strzok’s segment starts at the 17:00 mark and ends at about 26:00 later. 

It is truly a must watch segment and real eye-opener, but that which Trump loyalists will dismiss out of hand in short order assuming they even watch MTP since most of them are glued to FOX News shows.

Peter Strzok on MTP
(Sep 13, 2020)

My 2 cents: It is stunning to listen to what and how he said what he said, and BTW, his private life and mistakes be made and admitted to with Lisa Page in their affair, are NOT relevant.

Not much else to add. I believe Strzok and his professionalism comes across and so is the Page affair. He admitted that and he was pretty darn honest and straight forward about that.

Honestly is something of course that Trump would never come close to being – it’s not in his profile or his DNA. His favorite way in such cases is to duck, dodge, deflect, and then deny, deny, deny and boy does his base love that style. Why is beyond me.

So, what’s wrong with our system as everyone thinks? In my opinion it’s not Peter Strzok’s kind of people. It’s more like Donald J. Trump’s kind of people. That hopefully will change on November 3 (fingers crossed).

Thanks for stopping by.

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