Friday, September 18, 2020

Chinese National Phony-Baloney: China Made the CoVID-19 in a Lab and Now Hiding the Truth


Dr. Yan Li-Meng is Not a Medical Doctor 

Story here all over right-wing media as fact:

To date, Twitter suspended the account of Yan, a Chinese virologist, who claimed that CoVID-19 was “man-made” and created in a Wuhan lab.  She claims to be a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Hong Kong School of Public Health. 

She also claims to have evidence that China did the deed. She fled China and is now hiding somewhere in the U.S. 

Twitter introduced a policy back in May about the CoVID-19 origin which has been disputed or controversial. 

Twitter did not label Yan’s tweets; instead they suspended her account according to Newsweek and that Twitter does not comment on individual accounts.

Yan made the claims in a report alongside three other colleagues, all affiliated with the “Rule of Law Society,” a group BTW that is founded by Trump’s former national security adviser Steve Bannon (also according to Newsweek). 

Yan’s claim and report has not been peer-reviewed just simply says: Natural origin theory, although widely accepted, lacks substantial support. The alternative theory that the virus may have come from a research laboratory is, however, strictly censored on peer-reviewed scientific journals.” 

The researchers claimed to have evidence that showed the virus was created in a lab, but it did not appear to shed new information on the virus. 

The University of Hong Kong disputed the findings and released a statement to ITV saying: Yan's statement does not accord with the key facts as we understand them. They have no scientific basis but resemble hearsay.” On Fox, Tucker Carlson talked about the report and called her a “whistleblower.” Yan told Carlson that the virus is “man-made – I have evidence to show why they can do it, what they have done, how they did it. They do not want people to know the truth. I got suspended and they made me a target to be disappeared.”

Fox's Tucker Carlson wrote on his Facebook page:The primary claims in the information are factually inaccurate.” 

However, and USA Today both debunked Yan’s story.

My 2 cents: Simply put – what a load of crap… all the U.S. and world experts know and have proven that the virus WAS NOT man-made in China and released on purpose or by accident in any form, period.

FOX is the leading network in peddling conspiracy BS and they rank right up there alongside Alex Jones, Roger Stone, and of course Donald J. Trump – a huge conspiracy fan himself.

Thanks for stopping by.

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