Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Trump Said QAnon Likes Him: VP Pence Reverses Course and Now Says He Likes QAnon

Birds, Feather, Flock or Just Following the Leader
(Pence falls for QAnon’s appeal)

Major Update (from Politico and CNN) (September 12): Pence camp cancels QAnon event discussed below - no reason given (LOL LOL LOL).

AP Exclusive story with this headline:

Pence to attend event hosted by QAnon backers

A few highlights from the article:

Vice President Mike Pence and top officials from President Donald J. Trump’s campaign are slated to attend a Montana fundraiser next week hosted by a couple who have expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy theory (this according to an event invitation obtained by The Associated Press and a review of social media postings).

The hosts of the fundraiser, Caryn and Michael Borland, have shared QAnon memes and retweeted posts from QAnon accounts, their social media activity shows. 

The baseless conspiracy theory posits that Trump is fighting entrenched enemies in the government and also involves Satanism and child sex trafficking.

Beyond Pence, the September 14 fundraiser in Bozeman, Montana, is expected to draw influential figures in the president’s orbit including:

* Kimberly Guilfoyle, a top Trump fundraising official who also is dating Donald Trump Jr.,

* GOP National Chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel (Sen. Mitt Romney’s niece BTW),

* RNC National Finance Chairman, Todd Ricketts,

* RNC National Co-chairman, Tommy Hicks Jr.

FYI: While many Republicans have dismissed QAnon, the fundraiser is another sign of how the conspiracy theory is gaining a foothold in their party. Their silence confirms that fact.

Trump hailed Georgia GOP congressional candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene, a QAnon supporter, as a “future Republican star.”

Trump has refused to condemn QAnon, recently telling reporters that the conspiracy theory is “gaining in popularity” and that its supporters “Like me very much.”

This full story continues at the link – check it out – a lot more details.

That focuses on Trump and his new BFF with his view about them proving once again that Trump is a conspiracy nut and lifetime racist – no exception – the evidence is overwhelming – it cannot be disputed.

Republicans who go along to get along are doing so since they do not want to offend, embarrass, or piss-off Trump when he supports people like QAnon and their candidates on the ballot for Congressional seats. 

To do so is to cross Trump with the end result is that they will suffer “The Wrath of Don.” (Huge smile).

Thanks for stopping by.

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