Sunday, September 6, 2020

2020 Dirty Tricks: Voter Roll Purging; Outright Ballot Destruction; or Other Illegal Ploy

Voter Roll Purging (legal or illegal) or simple ballot oops

Okay then, how about recycled old stuff
(Anything up the old sleeve on that by chance)

Infamous GOP trick to win an election is simple: Purge voter registration lists. How do they do that? 
GOP Secretaries of State throw hundreds of thousands of people off the voter rolls and official research shows it is disproportionately Hispanics and African Americans.

In 2018, investigative reporter Greg Palast sued a number of Republican secretaries of state and got his hands on purged DEM lists that included:
       • More than 90,000 people in Nevada.
       • More than 769,436 voters in Colorado.
       • Some 340,134 in Georgia.
       • More than 550,000 in Illinois.
       • Still an uncounted number in Nebraska.
       • Some 469,000 in Indiana.

The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU found that just between 2014 and 2016, in the two years leading up to the presidential election, over 14 million people were purged from voter rolls, largely in Republican-controlled states. 

Now Gov. and then Secretary of State Brian Kemp (who won over Stacy Abrams) purged over a million voters in their race in Georgia. 

My 2 cents: There is only one reason Trump and his Republican co-conspirators today object to mail-in voting: “It blows up their most effective voter suppression scheme.” 
Many voters don’t even know if their provisional or mail-in ballots will even be counted. Then when asked by an exit pollster or reporter who they voted for their answer gets recorded in an exit poll TV update, even though their ballot is not officially counted.
It is a great 10 o’clock TV spot. And, if their candidate is reported to have won in NY, well that could cause western state voters to say: “Wow he won, I don’t need to vote.” Get the picture?
My take on the forthcoming GOP dirty tricks for 2020 is this twist on Kimberly Guilfoyle’s RNC screech where she yelled at the top of her lungs: “The best is yet to come” while selling her praise for, I guess, her future father-in-law, Donald J. Trump, since she is now tied to Donald Jr.
I say: The worst is already here.”
Guilfoyle’s RNC screech is seen here (about 1-minute). Get your barf bag handy:
RNC 2020 Clip Classic Keeper

Thanks for stopping by.

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