Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Trump's Niece Tell-All Book: Judge Blocks Publication Until July 10 for More Details

Mary Trump’s Tell-All Book 
(Uncle Don is Worried Sick)

Full breaking story below from The AP (June 30): 

A tell-all book by President Trump’s niece cannot be published until a judge decides the merits of claims by the president’s brother that its publication would violate a pact among family members.

NYS State Supreme Court Judge Hal B. Greenwald: Issued an order requiring the niece, Mary Trump, and her publisher to explain why they should not be blocked from publishing her book: “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.” 

A final hearing was set for July 10.

The book, scheduled to be published in July, was written by Mary Trump, the daughter of Fred Trump Jr., the president’s elder brother, who died in 1981. 

An online description from the book says it reveals: “A nightmare of traumas, destructive relationships, and a tragic combination of neglect and abuse.”

The Issue: The judge said no portion of the book can be distributed before he decides the validity of Robert Trump’s claims.

Robert Trump argues Mary Trump must comply with a written agreement among family members that such a book cannot be published without permission from other family members.

Mary Trump’s lawyer, Theodore J. Boutrous Jr., and her publisher, Simon & Schuster, promised an immediate appeal, saying in a public statement:The trial court’s temporary restraining order is only temporary but it still is a prior restraint on core political speech that flatly violates the First Amendment. This book, which addresses matters of great public concern and importance about a sitting president in election year, should not be suppressed even for one day.”

A Simon & Schuster spokesperson said: The publisher was disappointed but looks forward “to prevailing in this case based on well-established precedents regarding prior restraint.”

Charles Harder, an attorney for Robert Trump, said his client was “very pleased” adding in a statement that the actions by Mary Trump and her publisher were “truly reprehensible,” adding:We look forward to vigorously litigating this case, and will seek the maximum remedies available by law for the enormous damages. Short of corrective action to immediately cease their egregious conduct, we will pursue this case to the very end.”

In court papers, Robert Trump maintained that Mary Trump was part of a settlement nearly two decades ago that included a confidentiality clause (NDA) explicitly saying:They would not publish any account concerning the litigation or their relationship, unless they all agreed.”

My 2 cents: I note that this has been President Trump’s basic argument all along. 

I can only assume that the book offers embarrassing (and probably truthful) info about Trump vis-à-vis other Trump family members – but mostly about him he believes.

That is Trump’s approach to stop anyone or anything written about him usually calling it a “hoax, fake news, or leftist Democrat witch hunt” and all out to get him, and the truth be damned because in Trump World only “The Donald’s version counts.” The record is clear on that fact.

Thanks for stopping by.

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