Monday, June 8, 2020

Trump Administration: Full of Liars Just Like Him and That is Job Skill #1 Requirement

Along the way deny everything all the time  
(Just Like I Do)

W/H Newest Press Secretary: Zero Credibility 
(When Doesn't She Lie: When her mouth is closed)

Background for today’s post:

Kayleigh McEnany, newly-appointed White House press secretary held her first White House briefing on Friday (May 1, 2020) and told the press in attendance – the first such official press briefing since March 11, 2019, as her predecessor, Stephanie Grisham, never actually had held one that she plans to continue with the practice that was common when Sarah Sanders held the job, adding (frequent press briefings): “I will never lie to you. You have my word on that. 

What happened next shouldn’t surprise anyone as she proceeded to sprinkle her answers with falsehoods and lies. More of that story with more details is here from
Now this load of more W/H BS from The Hill for today's post with this headline from McEnany:

White House: “No regrets about handling of protesters in Lafayette Park"

The article highlights:

McEnany said:There's no regrets on the part of this White House. I'd note that many of those decisions were not made here within the White House. It was Attorney General William Barr who made the decision to move the perimeter. Monday night Park Police had also made that decision independently when they saw all the violence in Lafayette Square.”

She defended the Park Police for using chemical agents to clear protesters from the park outside the White House, claiming they had issued three warnings before doing so and that protesters hurled projectiles at law enforcement officers.

She said about that:That was unacceptable. Park Police acted as they felt they needed to at that time in response. We stand by those actions.

She also pointed to a fire set at historic St. John's Church and video of a demonstrator carving a piece of cement from the sidewalk as evidence of violent protests accompanying peaceful demonstrations against the police-involved death of George Floyd.

She then said the incidents – which occurred on Sunday (May 31), the day before Lafayette Square was cleared – contributed to the decision to expand the perimeter around the White House.

Note: The Hill's reporter who observed the scene of the protest did not observe projectiles being thrown by the protestors but at the time, some protesters taunted and jeered at law enforcement.

Then to add insult to injury, AG Barr in an interview on CBS's “Face the Nation” on Sunday (June 7), Barr said: “…the actions of law enforcement were appropriatewhile insisting those demonstrating on Monday (June 1) he added: “…were not peaceful protesters,” then he said the decision to expand the perimeter around the park was made independently of Trump's decision to walk to St. John's Church, echoing remarks he made last week.

Note: Trump also said last week that he believed the situation was “Handled very well.”

My 2 cents: First of all McEnany lied from day-one and continues to do so, but that seems, along with Barr’s load of crap, one top of Trump’s now more than 19,000 documented lies seems to be the #1 criteria to work for him: Be a bald-faced liar all the time.

Then evidence is clear on that point – hardly can be disputed. In their own words and actions, history knows. 

Related: See my next post below – same AG Barr denial.

Thanks for stopping by.

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