Saturday, June 6, 2020

Trump Administration #1 Quality: Skill in Lying "Art of the Lie" Flows from Top to Bottom 24/7

Barr Denies Ordering Assault on Peaceful Protestors
(So, will these babies quickly disperse the crowd)

AG Barr is hands down the worst AG in our nation’s history … he has proven now more so to be a frickin’ liar – I guess copying Trump – lie, don’t be held accountable, continue the shenanigans – his latest line of BS with this headline:
Barr: “I didn’t give order to clear protesters…”
The highlights of the story follow with my question: So who is lying? Barr, McEnany, ground commanders at the scene, or hell, even Trump himself?

WASHINGTON (The AP) — AG William Barr says law enforcement officers were already moving to push back protesters from a park in front of the White House when he arrived there, and he says he did not give a command to disperse the crowd, though he supported the decision. 

Barr’s comments in an interview with The Associated Press were his most detailed explanation yet of what unfolded outside the White House earlier in the week (staged for Trump’s bible photo op).

Barr’s comments come after the White House and others said repeatedly that the he ordered officers to clear the park. Shortly after officers aggressively pushed back demonstrators, Trump — accompanied by Barr, Pentagon leaders, and other top advisers — walked through Lafayette Park to pose for a photo at a nearby church that had been slightly damaged during the protests.

The episode played out on live television and prompted an outcry from some Republicans and former military leaders, including Retired Marine Gen. Jim Mattis, Trump's first defense secretary who resigned while Trump now claims he fired him. 

Barr told the AP that much of the criticism was unwarranted and that Mattis' rebuke was “borne of ignorance of the facts.”

Still, administration officials have spent much of the week trying to explain how the situation escalated and why smoke bombs, pepper balls and police on horseback were needed to clear the largely peaceful crowd.

Earlier in the week, White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany told reporters it was Barr who made the decision to push back the security perimeter outside the White House

McEnany said that when Barr arrived at Lafayette Park later that day to survey the security situation, he was surprised to see that action had not yet been taken.

My 2 cents: Based on Barr’s denial of the event and now McEnany’s denial of his denial who do we believe?

Apparently everyone around Trump (he has now has over 19,000 documented lies and false statements), the #1 qualification to work for him is to be a liar just like him.

This is truly an American first and one for the political history books – I wonder if Trump will brag and boast about that milestone? Very, doubtful, since he never admits he was wrong about anything basically always having someone nearby to take the heat off of him or be blamed by him with his favorite phrase “Not me, go ask so-and-so.”

That’s his M.O. and has been his whole adult life. He is incapable of change on any level. Why start now, right?

Thanks for stopping by.

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