Saturday, May 16, 2020

Trump Swamp Drainer or Creator: Drain in 2020 - LOL LOL - No Way in Hell Just Ask Bannon, el al

Some things never ever change
(Now what, guys)

Slime dealers behind the “lock her up” campaign (that was very effective) now going after Dr. Fauci, Dr. Bright, Joe and his son Hunter Biden from this story (The Daily Beast):

Steve Bannon and Tom Fitton two nasty political operative conspiracy generators working for Trump (behind the scene for 2020 smear campaigns).

Bannon for example, insisted in an episode of his podcast (May 13) that Dr. Fauci “had set up President Trump for failure in the fall.” Bannon was reacting to Fauci’s testimony before a Senate committee, during which Fauci questioned efforts by some elected officials, including a number of Trump allies, to “reopen schools and businesses” shuttered in an effort to control the spread of the coronavirus.

While certain Trump allies have given Fauci the benefit of the doubt, even as they disagree with his scientific and policy pronouncements, Bannon sensed something more sinister in his comments before the Senate, saying:Understand this, Tony Fauci has not been around from 1984 because he doesn’t know how to play the game. He is a master game-player.”

As far as Fitton, he is the president of conservative legal advocacy group Judicial Watch, announced this week that his organization would be suing the NIH in an effort to obtain Fauci’s communications about the coronavirus with the WHO on behalf of the Daily Caller News Foundation, the right-leaning news outlet’s nonprofit investigative arm.

Fitton said the records will show whether Fauci passed along misinformation from the WHO — possibly fed to the UN health agency by Chinese authorities — that may have hampered the U.S. coronavirus response by downplaying early signs of the virus’ transmissibility, adding: The initial shutdown, I don’t believe there was anything malicious about it or mendacious. But then the ideology creeps in, and that’s where the distinctions start to arise.”

Fauci, in Fitton’s view, is emblematic of a class of bureaucrats that may be experts in their specific, esoteric fields, but take it upon themselves to try to steer national policy according to their own whims, without regard to the limits of their own expertise or the weight of competing policy priorities.

My 2 cents: Make mistake about this, Bannon and Fitton and all others are working with Trump’s approval and guidance and blessing.

Stay tuned for a lot more slime from Trump and those two and a lot more between now and November 3. Wait and see – it will be nasty and ugly like we have never seen before in any election in our nation’s history.

Thanks for stopping by.

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