Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Jared Kushner: No Mask Can Hide or Cover Your Total Ignorance & Complete Stupidity

Opens mouth and inserts both feet with more craziness
(Do the public a favor & leave your post ASAP)

A reminder of just how such a poor performer Jared Kushner truly is – my earlier post on that subject.

Now this story from the Washington Post proves that point in very scary terms – key highlights from the article:

Jared Kushner (I note: Trump’s senior advisor who is truly dumber than a door knob”) has raised eyebrows by suggesting that there was uncertainty about whether the presidential election would happen in November as scheduled because of the coronavirus pandemic and that he had some role in making that determination.

Hours after his remarks to Time magazine generated a strong reaction on social media, Kushner, issued a clarification, saying he was unaware of and not involved in any “discussions” about changing the date of the 2020 election. 

Neither Trump nor Kushner as his adviser has any legal authority to change the timing of the presidential election.

The brief and disconcerting episode raised doubts about Kushner’s familiarity with the laws and constitutional provisions governing U.S. presidential elections.

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) notes: The text of the Constitution does not appear to contain a constitutional role for the Executive Branch in such decisions.” 

The federal statute says Election Day is to be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, it continued:Since 1845, Congress has required states to appoint presidential electors on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, which represents the date by which voters in every state must cast their ballot for President.”

Kushner’s comments are particularly fraught because some critics, such as former vice president Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, were already on high alert for an attempt by Trump to put off the election because of the coronavirus outbreak.

In Kushner’s interview with Time, he said while it wasn’t his decision to make, he wasn’t certain he could say the election would happen on November 3.

He added: If there is a second outbreak of coronavirus in the fall, I’m not sure I can commit one way or the other, but right now that’s the plan. Hopefully by the time we get to September, October, November, we’ve done enough work with testing and with all the different things we’re trying to do to prevent a future outbreak of the magnitude that would make us shut down again. I really believe that once America opens up, it’ll be very hard for America to ever lock down again.”

His remarks were met with concerns: 

William Kristol, a neo-conservative political commentator and editor at large of the Bulwark tweeted: Kushner’s statement reveals amazing ignorance of the Constitution and law. It reveals startling arrogance in taking for granted he gets to have some say about when the election is held. It also reveals an utter lack of understanding of his subordinate role in our democracy.”

Joe Biden also offered an explicit warning to a group of donors last month about the potential for the election to be moved, saying in part: Mark my words, I think he is going to try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held.”

Ironically, Kushner’s noncommittal response on the election date is at odds with Trump's own public position when he said last month: The general election will happen on November 3.”

But Trump, like he has so often said without evidence, also attacked mail-in voting, claiming: It is RIPE for FRAUD. I think that mail-in voting is a terrible thing. There’s a lot of dishonesty going on with mail-in voting, mail-in ballots.

Note: Trump voted by last mail last cycle and when he was asked by a reporter about the apparent disconnect, he said: “I did because I can.” What an arrogant ass.

This from the experts who track this from the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU.

My 2 cents: Americans will not tolerate any dictator-like tampering with elections or our right to vote fair, open, and timely without any hanky-panky of any sort otherwise we have no American system about anything … but, it’s a fav GOP ploy: tampering as much as possible to win any way possible by voter suppression – their attempts are clear on this point.

Kushner should take off that mask and add masking tape around his entire mouth and STFU – he is a total horrible dumbass. He is pitiful through and through and it’s no wonder Trump likes him so much – they are both identical in their corrupt, selfish, and dumb methods.

Thanks for stopping by.

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