Saturday, May 23, 2020

Trump Probably Lying (Again): Likely NOT Taking Hydroxychloroquine for Virus Cure

How he appeals and appears to his base

How he appears to majority of Americans

Wow, what a contrast based on this story headline and the two images above:
Malaria Drug Taken by Trump is Tied to Increased Risk of Heart Problems and Death in a new study (NY Times):
Actually I think he just said that just to brag on himself and show how much of a he-man he is - or thinks he is.
I seriously doubt he took the Hydroxychloroquine. Further, I bet his doctor told him: “I do not recommend you take that drug, Mr. President.”
I mean what are the chances that Trump is telling the truth about something all medical advice says it does not work against this virus and it is harmful and could cause death.
Naw, not Trump – he always tells the truth, right?
Okay, you can stop laughing now. Thanks for stopping by.

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