Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Emperor Donald the 45th: Censorship Not on Your Terms, Publisher Terms, Only on My Terms

Emperor Donald the 45th
(My fav)

Or: King Donald the First

Or: Generalissimo Trump

Social Media censorship that Trump hates (except his own) from this excellent article from USA TODAY – highlights follow:

Tweeting on Tuesday (May 26) Trump said:Twitter is now interfering in the 2020 Presidential Election and stifling FREE SPEECH.”

He again tweeted Wednesday (May 27) about social media platforms, without naming Twitter (his favorite platform to post unfiltered views to his millions of followers): Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservative voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen.”

Hours later he called out Twitter writing:Twitter has now shown that everything we have been saying about them (and their other compatriots) is correct. Big action to follow!” 

I note: What a load of crap – meaning what — that the po’ whittle Donald and his defenseless GOP never insults, degrades, bashes, or lies about anyone, or anything at anytime, right?

For the Trump sycophants who fall for that line, boy do I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn that I’d love to sell you cheap just like this guy.

Trump then repeated his claims about mail-in ballots, tweeting Wednesday (May 27) that expanding mail-in voting “…would be a free for all on cheating, forgery and the theft of Ballots.”

As of that morning, a “fact check” label had not been added to that new tweet about mail-in ballot fraud.

Oh, BTW: Trump voted in March via mail-in ballot in FL. So, was that fraud. or a forgery, or did he use someone else’s ballot? Oops…!!!

Fact: Trump cannot no matter how much he says he can, just unilaterally regulate or close social media platforms and their publishing companies.

That would require action by Congress, or by the FCC, however, that didn't stop Trump from issuing a strong warning to do just that. (Or maybe Trump will try to get the FCC to do the nasty deed for him).

Seems to me that adding a “Fact Check Label” warning is totally justified and then that would leave the fact checking or decision about the post in question up to the readers (consumers) of the post and not something willy-nilly from Trump or anyone else who many times posts lies and conspiracies one after another. 

Any court, I believe would support that simple contention as the right of the publishers.

Finally, these related stories of the same story:

My 2 cents: Simple – why is anyone afraid of the truth, the facts?

It’s wise to remember this from major literary figure Jonathan Swift who wrote about this topic in “The Examiner” in 1710: “Falsehood flies and truth comes limping after it.”

Please work to help ensure that all media stays open, honest, and yes, even able to label something worth fact checking. Free speech is NOT unlimited – there are legal exceptions – a Trump whim like this is NOT.

Thanks for stopping by

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