Saturday, April 4, 2020

Trump's Revenge: He Fires Intelligence Community Inspector General for Doing His Job

Is there no end to this man's madness
(GOP is hiding like scared rabbits)

This startling story comes from Reuters here, and coverage is also here from Politico and here from The Hill and most other major outlets.

This from Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, is important, and will it matter? 

Burr said the intelligence community IG should be allowed to work free of any “pressure” after  Trump fired Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community IG, who is the top watchdog in what critics say was an act of political retaliation.

The basic headline:

Top U.S. watchdog vows 'aggressive oversight’ of Trump administration after firing Intel IG

DOJ IG Michael Horowitz, and who is also chairman of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), an independent agency in the executive branch said in a statement that Trump has fired IG of the entire U.S. Intelligence Community, Michael Atkinson, was known for his “integrity, professionalism, and commitment to the rule of law and independent oversight.” 

Trump wrote in a letter to Congress Friday (April 3) night saying that Atkinson, who was involved in triggering an impeachment probe of the president last year based on a Whistleblower complaint, will be removed from his position in 30 days (April 30).

My 2 cents: To me and I am sure to many, many others is that this shows the Democrats were correct to pursue impeachment and removal of Trump from office and being unfit. The all GOP-controlled Senate failed in removing him due their loyalty to Trump based on harsh, raw GOP party politics – plain and simple. 

This step by Trump proves that point without any doubt (except in Trump fans’ minds of course).

That to me this the worst part: GOP blind loyalty to Trump makes him truly what he desires to be: A one-man show running America. 

Ironically, that is something GOPers always hype and blow out of shape while blaming DEMS for wanting to control and bring down America, but boy oh boy, how wrong they have been all along. 

Now, the proverbial GOP chickens are all home and firmly at roost and Trump owns them lock, stock, and feathers – the whole damn flock.

Analogy of that in this older article from the Daily Kos (March 18, 2016), timely reminder - but to GOPers, it don't matter - a fact.

Finis ~~~ Thanks for stopping by.

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