Monday, April 6, 2020

Meet OAN: Sycophants Worse than FOX — Trump's New Fav Go-To Network for Daily Fluffing

Their logo encased by lots of brown stuff

March 29, 2019: Hey OAN flattery is a two-way street
(A lot of praise from Trump ever since – wonder why)

Absolutely a must-watch John Oliver show (HBO - harsh language, be forewarned). 

This show Oliver truly points out what is wrong with America today, and NO, it’s not the “fake news hoaxes” from the Liberal, Left-wing, Communist Democratic Party, either.

What's in this 18-minute segment are facts and words from the shameful people on OAN that Oliver points out and in their own words, not mine.

Enjoy – it’s a keeper for sure:

John Oliver’s Show: Last Week Tonight 
(Apr 5, 2020)

My 2 cents: Any threat to our entire democratic system and way of life. One word might sum that up: “One America News Network: OAN.”

It seems that OAN is worse than Fox and boy, does that say a lot, and Fox surely is green with envy since OAN is now Trump’s fav go-to network. What an honor!!!

One OAN major White House reporter shown in the video is Chanel Rion and BTW: This is her husband, Courtland Sykes, wow that says a lot doesn’t it?

Thanks for stopping by. 

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