Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Trump, GOP, and Fox Solutions to Any Serious Problems: Go Ahead and Prove this False

Three of the Biggest Public Health Issues Today
(GOP Solution: Duck, Dodge, Deny and Defend)

It is true and logical to think that any mass shooter or bomber or other domestic terrorist act is carried out by an unstable, troubled, angry, or  revengeful person or persons, but (and now a but) must not totally fall on people with medical mental illness. 

(That is once again the Trump-GOP-FOX excuse du jour for the recent rash of mass shootings in Gilroy CA; El Paso, TX; and Dayton, OH).

However, the country’s largest organization of psychiatrists have pushed back against comments from politicians linking the most recent spate of mass shootings to mental illness.

In their statement, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), said “… gun violence is a public health crisis, and that the overwhelming majority of people with mental illness are not violent and far more likely to be victims of violent crime than perpetrators of violence.” 

Further they said: “… people with mental illness are being stigmatized and rhetoric that argues otherwise will further stigmatize and interfere with people accessing needed treatment. Individuals can also be emboldened to act violently by the public discourse and divisive rhetoric.”

Note: Explaining that to Trump, et al is like trying to get them to believe in and trust any science (medical science included).

My 2 cents: It is amazing to me how the GOP and egged on by FOX News and yes, Donald J. Trump all work simply to protect the GOP brand name and at all costs. They collectively keep deflecting away from this critical and deadly gun issue more so these days with the use of AR-type weapons (retooled to fire auto) and along with maximum capacity ammo magazines, armor best and such. 

Why are those things so readily available and easily to purchase by anyone even if they have to cross the state line to do it defies common sense. 

More so, persons with shady background checks (if any check at all), plus the GOP and Trump’s refusal to stand up to the gun lobbyists for their big campaign money in exchange for protecting them with phony excuses. All that is patently pitiful. 

Don’t believe me or take my word for it – just watch and listen to them. 

But we assured that if anyone close to them is ever gunned down what them change their tune. 

This Trump-GOP-FOX relationship is the best in their symbiotic circle (scratching each other’s back equally for approval ratings).

Thanks for stopping by.

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