Monday, August 5, 2019

The Liar-in-Chief (LINC) Freewheeling Continues: Base in Tow With Their Maximum Approval

Try to prove that this is not factually true
(Betcha can't)

Donald J. Trump is in fact the 45th president of the United States and it seems he is stuck on that same number: 45” and in numerous ways.

Background: At a Cabinet meeting two weeks ago, Trump returned to a dubious claim he has made at least five times since June. That claim is his willingness to attach the number “45” to each time he makes another false claim to bolster many other false claims.

Watch this short video from the article above – all Trump's his own words, not mine.

Specific examples follow (with my emphasis added):
  •  Toward the end of the 2016 campaign, Trump said the national  murder rate was “the highest it’s been in 45 years.” In fact, those rates for homicide and violent crime at near 45-year lows.
  •  On 17 occasions, Trump touted “right to try” legislation, involving investigation medications, that he signed in 2018 by claiming at times that advocates had fought for it for 45 years. The current push for “right to try” legislation started in 2014.
  •  In 2018, Trump touted efforts (since partially blocked) to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, saying, “They’ve been trying to do it for 45 years.” This issue has been a political fight since 1977.
  •  In January 2018, Trump said nationwide unemployment claims hit a 45-year low. Actually, that was only a six-week low.
  •  In November, Trump said, “Jobless claims in Georgia just fell to their lowest level in 45 years.” Unemployment claims have been near record lows, but states including Georgia cut the duration of jobless benefits, contributing to the decline. The Federal data for Georgia he cites only goes back to 1986.
  •  And on 57 occasions, Trump falsely claimed that he signed the Veterans Choice health-care program into law, at times touting his ability to overcome a 45-year effort to pass it saying:  They’ve been working on that one for 45 years; we got it passed. I’m good at getting things passed.” That program was in fact signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2014.
My 2 cents: Trump is so pathetic that it defies gravity but his base apparently does not care – and, that is the scariest part of all. Why do they stick with him no matter what he says or does, especially with the growing number of his blatant lies?

Very simple: For their raw hatred, but not for his actions but for his sustained hatred for DEMS and the so-called “enemy of the people” – Trump’s label for the mainstream media and their reporting that he keeps throwing to his base like raw meat to a rabid dog.

Irony: What is interesting about his media tactics is this: (1) He feeds the media a daily stream of lies and nonsense, (2) then he blasts them, and (3) when they react and cover him with his own words, or the way his disapproves, he pulls out his fav phrase for their coverage: “Fake News.” 

Trump is truly pathetic but he is truly an excellent con man. There is no doubt about that. His skill has been honed for some 45 years of his life with tons of experiences mostly gained from his dear old Dad.

Trump then takes that hatred and passes it along to his base who in turn laps it up like a kitten takes to a warm dish of milk.

Thanks for stopping by.

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