Monday, July 15, 2019

Trump's Cabinet: Dwindling Faster Than a Toupee in a Sahara Desert Sandstorm

May Not Be Up-to-Date But Trump Tries 24/7
(Many Acting Heads & Trump Loves Acting)

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(Jump Ship Now or Get Canned Later)

Trump: “I will hire and have only the very best people, ever, believe me.” (Sic) Rick “Oops” Perry Energy Secretary might differ – reports say he plans to leave.

Trump now has more turnover in his Cabinet in the first two and a half years of his presidency than any of the five presidential predecessors did in their entire first terms.

According to a Brookings Institution report, the resignation of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta marks the ninth Cabinet member to leave the Trump Administration, one more than the previous high under President George H.W. Bush.

The others who have left or ready to leave:

1.    HHS Secretary, Tom Price resigned over scandal.
2.    Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, fired.
3.    VA Secretary David Shulkin, resigned over scandal.
4.    AG Jeff Sessions, fired for not supporting Trump.
5.    Sec. Def. James Mattis, resigned (or told to leave).
6.    Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, resigned over scandal.
7.    DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, fired due to poor policy.
8.    John Kelly, left DHS to become White House CofS, then left that job as well (basically told to leave).
9.    Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta cited above.

By comparison: 6 Secretaries departed under Ronald Reagan’s first term; 8 under George H.W. Bush’s only term; 4 during Bill Clinton’s first term; 2 under George W. Bush’s first term; and, 3 during Barack Obama’s first term.

My 2 cents: By any measurement for good management in business or government, Trump has been and still is: An utter failure.

Or they say in Texas: “All hat, no cattle.” 

Thanks for stopping by.

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