Friday, July 12, 2019

Another Stupid, Irrational, Crazy, Silly, Unfounded, Insane Trump Ploy About Government

Dan Coats Director of National Intelligence (DNI)

Rumor control center says Trump contemplating firing Dan Coats Director of National Intelligence (DNI). That would be a very, very bad move and should generate a call for an impeachment investigation ASAP.
Plus, it makes no sense, none at all, except to benefit an appease Vladimir Putin – believe that – it’s a fact.
Story developing here and various other sources. Some highlights follow:
Trump hasn't told our sources when he plans to make a move and dismiss Coats, but they say his discussions on the topic have been occurring for months — often unprompted — and the president has mentioned potential replacements since at least February. 
A source who spoke to Trump about Coats a week ago said the president gave them the impression that the move would happen “sooner rather than later.”
The DNI serves as an overseer of the entire intelligence community (IC –see chart above) and always has been a close adviser to the president and National Security Council (NSC). 
They collectively produce the day's top-secrets for the Presidential Daily Brief (PDB).

DNI is Center of the Intel Community (IC)
(All 16 Agencies)

A source with direct knowledge said that Trump has privately said he thinks the DNI office represents an unnecessary bureaucratic layer and that he would like to get rid of it. 
However, Trump also has been told that eliminating the DNI and office is not politically possible. But, Trump still wants to “downsize that office.”
Another government source who discussed the matter with Trump characterized his thinking said: “It's time for a change. Dan's a great guy but the president doesn’t listen to him anymore.”
The W/H says: “We have no personnel announcements at this time.” 
My 2 cents: Trump is totally out of control – he seeks change for the only introducing it as a hot current cost-cutting reason or worse: He simply hates government unless it’s structured according to his whims.
This is a very bad move – very serious to say the least. Stay tuned.
Thanks for stopping by.

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