Sunday, April 28, 2019

Trump's Census Question and Routine Obama Bashing: Both Bogus and More Trump Nonsense

Expert Census Form Questionnaire Designer

Self-Evident Facts
(Read and Weep Mr. Trump)

Census citizenship question and Obama economy vs. Trump B.S. – wait, Trump lies – run down here from The AP (via MSN):


TRUMP TWEET:The American people deserve to know who is in this Country. Yesterday, the Supreme Court took up the Census Citizenship question, a really big deal.”

HOGAN GIDLEY, White House deputy press secretary to reporter question said:He wants to know who's in this country. I think as a sovereign nation we have that right. It's been a question that's been on the census for decades.”

THE FACTS: Not since 1950 (nearly 70 years) has the census collected citizenship data from the whole population.

Trump's position that asking a citizenship question in the census is needed “to know who is in this country ignores the judgment of the Census Bureau's own researchers.” 

They say that it would not result in the most accurate possible count of the total U.S. population. The question is already asked in other government surveys.

According to January 2018 calculations by the Census Bureau, adding the question to the once-a-decade survey form would cause lower response rates among Hispanics and non-citizens.

The government would have to spend at least $27.5 million for additional phone calls, home visits and other follow-up efforts to reach them.

Federal judges in CA, MD, and NY have blocked the administration from going forward with a citizenship question after crediting the analysis of agency experts. The experts said millions would go uncounted because Hispanics and immigrants might be reluctant to say if they or others in their households are not citizens.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has argued that a citizenship question is needed to help the government better comply with the VRA. But the DOJ has been enforcing that VRA 1965 law, which was passed to help protect minority groups' political rights, with citizenship data already available from other government surveys.

Purpose of An Accurate Count: It goes the heart of the entire political system, determining the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House and how the electoral votes that decide presidential elections are distributed.

It also shapes how 300 federal programs distribute more than $800 billion a year to local communities.


TRUMP retweet of RONNA MCDANIEL, Republican National Committee chairwoman: If Joe Biden wants to keep score: In 8 years, Biden & Obama had a net loss of 193,000 manufacturing jobs. In just over 2 years, @realDonaldTrump has created 453,000 manufacturing jobs.”  

THE FACTS: McDaniel is right but presents a misleading portrait of economic growth during Barack Obama's presidency, with Biden serving as vice president.

Obama's eight years in office began with the final five months of the 17-month Great Recession, which began under his predecessor and included some of the worst stretches of job loss since World War II.

Manufacturing jobs bottomed out in February 2010, then grew steadily for the next six years before declining during Obama's last year in office. Still, during that stretch the economy added 915,000 manufacturing jobs.

My 2 cents: This stunt and yes, it’s a stunt is merely another GOP “dirty trick” to keep power anyway possible… this is pretty low even by their crappy standards up to this point. 

I don’t know, but I suspect the USSC will not allow it. 

We shall see – stay tuned, and thanks for stopping by.

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