Thursday, April 4, 2019

Trump Under More Pressure: Subpoenas Likely for Full Mueller Report & Six Years of His Taxes

I'm under IRS audit - you cannot get my taxes - back off” 

Two very big issues that will hound Trump more each passing day:
First Story: The House Judiciary Committee voted along party lines to authorize the chairman to issue subpoenas for the full Mueller report and underlying materials, setting the stage for a potential legal battle between congressional Democrats and the Trump administration: 24 DEM committee members “aye” to authorize the subpoenas for the full Mueller report and underlying evidence; 17 GOPers (as expected) all voted “nay.”

Second Story: Congress has a rock-solid Constitutional legal oversight authority for many things including demanding and getting IRS Tax Returns on any American and that includes Trump.

Finally, more and more it becomes clear that Barr is ready to fall on his sword and shield Trump by softening the final Mueller report details from The Hill here.

My 2 cents: Right now I do not trust AG Barr, but I did at first until he put out his 4-page summary in his own words of Mueller’s 400-page report.

By that example alone, it is painfully obvious that Barr is ready to fall on his sword to shield Trump by softening the report details. Now maybe the DEM threat of a subpoena will shake Barr up a bit – we shall see.

Thanks for stopping by.

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