Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Pressure Mounts all Around Trump Empire, Inc: Many Sides and Angles and All Legally Sound

Criminal Scoreboard that Keeps Expanding Practically Daily

Several eye-catching news stories from my “What it’s worth department” – enjoy:

Short and excellent introduction from Bloomberg here: Trump promised “to drain the swamp.” Instead, he has surrounded himself with family members, appointees, and advisers who’ve been accused of conflicts of interest, misuse of public funds, influence peddling, self-enrichment, working for foreign governments, failure to disclose information, and violating ethics rules. 

Some are under investigation or facing lawsuits, others have resigned, and five have either been convicted or pleaded guilty, including three for lying to government officials. 

Scandals plague all administrations, but Trump’s is only two years old and the allegations keep on coming.

This story is an example of one corrupt action by the Trump inauguration committee from the NY Times here.
Highlight: Trump’s inaugural committee paid nearly $26 million to an event planning firm started by an adviser to the first lady, Melania Trump, while donating $5 million — less than expected — to charity, according to tax filings just released. That nonprofit group that oversaw the inauguration and surrounding events in January 2017, named the 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee, had been under pressure from liberal government watchdog groups to reveal how it spent the record $107 million it had raised largely from wealthy donors and corporations.

The original story here from the NY Times here with this highlight: The House Intelligence Committee has asked one of the top contractors to Trump’s inaugural to provide documents about the event that opens up a new line of inquiry into the planning and financing of the ceremonies.
Also, this story: Trump’s Great Lakes Lies …. Hell why not – his base loves his campaigning style and raw hype, ugly hatred towards anyone, and his lies on top of more lies. Trump’s string of Great Lakes lies from Fact Checker (via MSN) here

Then this story: GOP/Trump’s BS on making healthcare better by killing the ACA (Obama-care – their labeled name for the law) – in a word: “Acting CofS Mick Mulvaney is full of sh^t without any doubt” – his BS story from ABC News here.

Finally, this story: This comes from Professor Jonathan Turley is a lawyer, legal scholar, writer, legal analyst and professor of law at George Washington University Law School. I agree with him a lot and he is correct to say that this move by Trump “to waive executive privilege and not touch the Mueller report is indeed noble.” Turley article from The Hill here.

My 2 Cents: Now we see more Trump and GOP back peddling with stunts and lies on top of lies. I do not trust Trump one inch. 

More later, I am sure. Stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

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